Jens Holst Møller
Jens Holst Møller
Jens Holst Møller
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The Signalling Programme,Modern integrated signalling systems for the Railway09.10.2009 Presented to TØF by <strong>Jens</strong> <strong>Holst</strong> Møller & Claus Nymark
Signalprogrammeti BanedanmarkUdskiftning af alleSignalanlæg (Sikringsanlægog Radioanlæg) samtTrafikale reglerPage 2
En total fornyelse af Signalsystemet i étstort projekt, kan gøres til lavere pris oglevere bedre performance.– Hvorfor gør vi det på denne måde– Hvad inkluderer vi – systemerne– Hvad koster det– Hvordan gør vi - Proces– Hvem gør det - organisering
A total renewal of the signalling systemwill be cheaper and provide betterperformanceSince the signalling system in Banedanmark have so manyageing installations, a total renewal is the best solutionbecause:– Cheapest and fastest implementation– Higher punctuality and capacity– Several benefits for the passengers– Benefits are achieved fasterRealising this, led to a political decision in principle of a totalrenewal of the current signalling system in 2006The Signalling Programme has set up the budget that led tothe financing decision in february 2009.
The logic of total renewalBetter prices– Economy of scale– Internationalcompetition– Learning curve effectQuantum leap intechnology– EC standard component,redundancy of centralcomponents, higheravailability– Few safety approvals– Few interfacesSavings on operationsand increased safety– Reduction inmaintenance costs– Simpler and saferoperational rules– Consolidation on fewertraffic control sitesThe CabsignalledRailway
The Colour light-signalled Railway
The Cab-signalled Railway
Nye trafikale regler på jernbanenDe trafikale regler er populært sagt færdselsreglernefor jernbanedriften.…..Regler og instruktioner for togkørsel,vedligeholdelse mv.I dag er statens banenet underlagt reglerne iSikkerhedsreglementet af 1975. På S-banen anvendesder supplerende regler for det nuværendesignalsystem.
OPGAVENFra 2000 til 150 processer (1/3 regler)– Få kortlagt de fremtidigetrafikregler– Udarbejde procedurer oginstruktionertil et: Fuldstændigtregelsæt! Dererstatter SR75o Ansvarsfordeling i brancheno Identifikation afgrænseflader– Bidrage til udvikling afFunktionskravspecifikation
How much will it cost?Many components are to beinstalled and tested.The majority of all components aresafety-criticalA considerable project organisationof app. 120 employees for 10-12yearsIt is a lot of money – but notexpensive!Total renewal = Economies of scaleLearning curve effectOne development processOne safety approvalBenchmark with Switzerland showsreduction in price level of 14%Subject Today FutureTrack length in km app 3.000 app 3.000Stations 291 291Interlockings (on stations & lines) 478 23Level crossings with protection (out of 1154in total) 465 465Train detection sections 6.637 6.322Point machines 3.229 3.229Daylight signals 3.943 -Yellow fleet vehicles 140 140Centralised traffic control centres 14 3Radio Block Centre / Zone controller - 40Trains on conventional network and S-bane 560 560Radio - GSM-R masts 242 517Signallers 415 app 305Train drivers app 2.500 app 2.500
Financial key figuresAll figures in DKK. (2009 level)FjernbanenetworkS-baneTotal renewal of all assets 15,1 3,1Correction for supplementary costs = 30% 4,5 0,9Total costs 19,6 4,0Costs related to years 2009-2020 (Assets +Correction for supplementary in the period)Estimated renewal and maintenance savings inlifetime of the new signalling system (2021 +25years)17,7 4,06,7 1,7
Organisatoriske udfordringer iSignalprogrammet– Hurtig forøgelse af kompetencer– Samarbejde med rådgivere ogleverandører– Viden om de nye systemer– Internationalisering
Nøgleord for succes i Signalprogrammet– Samarbejde via Dialog– Value for Money – Reliability– Økonomistyring– Kravspecifikation– Scope - Projektbegrænsning
Udvalgte aktiviteterKrav specifikationUdbud &kontraktDesignEarlyDeploymentUdrulningFokus på:• Funktionalitet• Sikkerhed• Standarder• Interne & eksterne krav• Grænseflader• Projekt grundlag• Life Cycle Cost• Trafikale reglerFokus på:• Evaluering af tilbud• Forbehold• Kravsopfyldelse• System konfiguartion• Kvalitet• Leverandør evaluering• Procesbeskrivelser• Life Cycle CostFokus på:• Design• Kravs opfyldelse• Sikkerehds godkendelse• System integration• Bruger grænseflader• Tilpasninger• Udrulning• Planlægning oggennemførsel af test
Functional requirements anddialogue-based tender processPage 17
Roll-out planFjernbaneIt will take 10-12 years tocarry out the total renewalTwo contracts for theconventional networkOne contract for on-boardequipmentContract interface atLillebæltRoll-out phases:•Early deployment (green)•Mainline network (blue)•Regional & low density lines (red)
Roll outS-baneEarly deployment Hillerød-JægersborgSignalling is life expired• 12/46 in Hillerød• F-HKTThis defines the start ofoperation of new systemsCentral section & ringbanenas the last .CBTC expected to minimisedisruption during installation.
Irregularitet på S-banen - Et snapshotPage 20
TMS high level concept
Modern traffic controlo few centres (ideally 2) with integrated controlo conflict detection and resolution.o integrated maintenance management platformo integrated educational platformo on line regional overview facilitates cross sectorplanning (connections between trains/metro/buses)
EDS = First linesin operationLines have been selected on thecriteria:• Operationally contained• Operational complexity incl.rules (Test pattern coverage)• Low operational criticality(avoiding spread of delays)• Possibility to add shadow trains• Functional and asset expiryissues1.Frederikshavn-Ålborg-Langå,section Hobro-Ålborg has nolineblock or ATP. Langå, Hjørring& Randers has electromechanicalInterlockings.2.Roskilde-Køge-Næstved,equipped with hybridInterlocking type 1977.
Onboard equipmentUNISIGOpen interface (towards RBC and Balise)Best Infrastructure signalling supplier is notneccesarily best onboard supplierEOSTRM-BDKPrice is predominately governed by number ofvehicles and vehicle typesWe are obliged to treat all TOC’s equalOne Frameworkcontract for ERTMSonboard• Involving DSB inspecificationInforming otherTOC’s
Alstom ERTMS products
Bombardier ERTMS onboard products
Signalprogrammeti BanedanmarkUdskiftning af alleSignalanlæg (Sikringsanlægog Radioanlæg) samtTrafikale reglerPage 28