2 - Big Ass Fans

2 - Big Ass Fans

2 - Big Ass Fans

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Understanding and clearing fan faults8’–24’ POWERFOIL ® X2.0 WASHDOWN & POWERFOIL ® X2.0PLUS WASHDOWNController Operation (cont.)FHUEF or “External Fault” is displayed when the fan has stopped due to an alarm condition. EF also displays if theuser has interfaced the fan system with other equipment requiring fan shutdown, such as an ESFR system.RUN STOP FWD REV REM LOCFHURUN STOP FWD REV REM LOCInternal faultsfan controller or motor. For example, the error code for “input power phase loss” is shown on the left. For a fulllist of error codes and their meanings, see “Fan Error Codes” on page 50.STOPRESETTo reset the fan controller, press the STOP/RESET button (after the condition that induced the fault has been cleared).Programming and parameter changesCAUTION: Under no circumstances should an operator attempt to alter the programming of the fan’s controller without<strong>Ass</strong> <strong>Fans</strong> installer, the <strong>Big</strong> <strong>Ass</strong> <strong>Fans</strong> Customer Service Department, or the <strong>Big</strong> <strong>Ass</strong><strong>Fans</strong> Engineering Department.PROGDATATo access parameters and make changes to the behavior of the fan system, press the PROG/DATA button. Ifthis button is pushed inadvertently, exit programming mode by pressing the MODE button twice to return to the normaloperational screen. Note: To access the PROG/DATA button on the controller, the controller cover must be removed.WWW.BIGASSFANS.COM ©2012 DELTA T CORP. DBA BIG ASS FAN CO. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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