J. - National Labor Relations Board

J. - National Labor Relations Board

J. - National Labor Relations Board

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VII. PRINCIPLES ESTABLISHED 83or other factors, have changed in the interval between the twodecisions."Following its policy of not placing a company-dominated union onthe ballot," the <strong>Board</strong>, in the determination of an appropriate bargainingunit, will not consider the preferences of a union which it hasfound to have been dominated or aided by an employer."2. SCOPE OF THE UNIT; INDUSTRIAL, CRAFT OR DEPARTMENTALThe <strong>Board</strong> must determine frequently whether the unit or unitsshall be industrial, including practically all the employees in the plant,semiindustrial, including a majority of the employees, multicraft, includingseveral groups of skilled workers, craft, including one groupof skilled workers, or some other unit, including only part of theemployees.When all the unions involved in the proceeding agree upon theappropriate unit or units or when there is only one bona fide labororganization involved, the <strong>Board</strong> examines the unit or units proposedby the union or unions in the light of the following factors : (1) thehistory, extent, and type of organization of the employees in the plant;(2) the history of their collective bargaining, including any contractswith their employer; (3) the history, extent, and type of organization,and the collective bargaining, of employees in other plant§, of the sameemployer, or of other employers in the same industry ,'(4) the skill,wages, work and working conditions of the employees ; (5) the desiresof the employees; (6)Vthe eligibility of the employees for membershipin the union or unions involved in the proceeding and in other labororganizations ; and (7)61the relationship between the unit or unitsproposed and the employer's organization, management and operationof the plant. Where the unit or units proposed are in accord withall or several of the above factors, or where there is no sharp conflictbetween the proposed unit or units and one or more of these factors,the <strong>Board</strong> usually finds such unit or units appropriate.This principle has been applied where the employer desires a plantwideunit and the union or unions a craft or other type of smallerunit. Thus the <strong>Board</strong> has found, as the union contended, that acraft unit of 33 of the 125 employees in the plant was appropriate,44 Matter of Froffman Beverane Co. and Int. Brotherhood of Firemen and Oilers, LocalNo. .75, 8 N. L. R. B. 1367 (all labor organizations involved, as well as employees, requesteddi fferent appropriate units) : Matter of Pacific Greyhound Lines and Amal. Asten of Street,Electric Railway and Motor Coach Employees of Amer., 9 N. L. R. B. 557 (prior decisionconccrnin g unit based solely on desires of employees : evidence indicated these desiressubsequently changed) ; Matter of R. C. A. Communications. Inc. and Amer. Radio TelegraplaRtg.458'n, 9 N. L. R. B. 915 (in prior decision <strong>Board</strong> stated that different unit mi ght beappropriate if wishes or extent of organization of unions subsequently changed, and suchchan ges occurred).SPP, for example, Matter of Metropolitan Engineering Co. and Local No. 1224 of UnitedElectrical. Radio and Machine Workers' of Amer., 8 N. L. R. B. 670.46 of The Pure Oil Co. and Oil Workers Int. Union, Local 265, 8 N. L. R. B. 207,216. In this case the <strong>Board</strong> said :'Since we have found that the respondent dominated and interfered with the formationand administration of the Federation and contributed support thereto, the experience ofthe Federation in collective bar gainin g is not significant and cannot be accorded wei ght asindicative of the employees' own desires concerning the definition of a unit appropriate forthe nmmoo po of collective bargaining."Matter of Citizens-News Co. and Los Angeles Typographical Union, Local No. 114, 8 N. L.R. B. 997; If after of Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. and Federation of Flat Glass Workers ofAmer., 10 N. L. R. B. 1111, 15 N. L. R. B.. No. 58: Matter of Kansas City Power d LightCo. and Local Union 5-412, Int. Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. 12 N. L. R. B. 1461.Cf. Matter of The Rerrick Corp. and Int. Union. United Automobile Workers of Amer., LocalNo. 459. Fi N. L. R. B. 621; Matter of The Western Union Co.. Inc. and The CommercialTelegraphers' Union, 11 N. L. R. B. 1154; Matter of Wisconsin Telephone Co. and TelephoneOperators Union, Local ns-A, 12 N. L. R. B. 375.

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