Student Flow at Primary Level - DISE

Student Flow at Primary Level - DISE

Student Flow at Primary Level - DISE

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Drop-out & Repetition R<strong>at</strong>es51r<strong>at</strong>e in primary classes but repetition r<strong>at</strong>e in these st<strong>at</strong>es is above 5percent. Tripura even reported above 15 percent repetition r<strong>at</strong>e, whileGujar<strong>at</strong> retained its position in the group having below 5 percent dropoutr<strong>at</strong>e and repetition r<strong>at</strong>e between 10 to 15 percent. On the other handSikkim shifted from below 5 percent drop-out r<strong>at</strong>e in 2003-04 to between5 to 10 percent during the next cohort i.e. 2004-05.A number of other st<strong>at</strong>es have average drop-out r<strong>at</strong>e between 5 to 10percent and also the repetition r<strong>at</strong>e below 5 percent or between 5 to 10percent. Jammu & Kashmir and Madhya Pradesh fall under the c<strong>at</strong>egoryof those st<strong>at</strong>es which have drop-out and repetition r<strong>at</strong>es between 5 to 10percent and below 5 percent respectively. On the other hand, AndhraPradesh, Maharashtra, Nagaland, Orissa and Punjab fall under the c<strong>at</strong>egoryhaving both drop-out and repetition r<strong>at</strong>es between 5 to 10 percent.Chh<strong>at</strong>tisgarh is the only other st<strong>at</strong>e having drop-out r<strong>at</strong>e between 5 to 10percent but the repetition r<strong>at</strong>e between 10 to 15 percent. Among the restof the st<strong>at</strong>es, Assam, Bihar, Haryana, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh,Uttarakhand and West Bengal reported drop-out r<strong>at</strong>e between 10-15percent in primary classes. Among these Assam and Uttar Pradesh reporteda below 5 percent repetition r<strong>at</strong>e. Except Uttarakhand, the remainingst<strong>at</strong>es in this c<strong>at</strong>egory have a high repetition r<strong>at</strong>e of 10 to 15 percent.Uttarakhand reported an average repetition r<strong>at</strong>e between 5 to 10 percent.Out of 29 st<strong>at</strong>es covered, only three st<strong>at</strong>es have an average drop-out r<strong>at</strong>eof above 15 percent in primary classes. These st<strong>at</strong>es are Jharkhand,Arunachal Pradesh and Meghalaya. However, Jharkhand has a low repetitionr<strong>at</strong>e of 5.81 percent. Except Jharkhand, the other two st<strong>at</strong>es are small insize.The distribution of st<strong>at</strong>es by average drop-out r<strong>at</strong>e and repetition r<strong>at</strong>efor the cohorts 2003-04 and 2004-05 further reveals th<strong>at</strong> eight st<strong>at</strong>eshave improved their positions in 2004-05 over their respective positionsduring the previous cohort i.e. 2003-04. These st<strong>at</strong>es are Himachal Pradesh,Karn<strong>at</strong>aka, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Punjab, Chh<strong>at</strong>tisgarh, UttarPradesh and Rajasthan, many of which are large in size and crucial forthe country to <strong>at</strong>tain the st<strong>at</strong>us of universal retention. On the other hand,st<strong>at</strong>es such as, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Gujar<strong>at</strong>, Maharashtra, Uttarakhand,Haryana, West Bengal and Meghalaya retained their respective positionsin 2004-05 over the previous cohort i.e. 2003-04. Mizoram, Tripura,Nagaland, Orissa, Sikkim, Assam, Bihar and Jharkhand, however, lost theirrespective positions in 2004-05, thus meaning th<strong>at</strong> either the averagedrop-out r<strong>at</strong>e or the repetition r<strong>at</strong>e or both in these st<strong>at</strong>es have increasedfrom their previous levels in 2003-04. Bihar and Jharkhand even reported

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