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6.11 FacilitiesFacilities in BelgiumThe Company’s registered and main office and research &development site, based in the Romeinse straat 12, box 2,3001 Leuven, Belgium, is currently leased pursuant to a leaseagreement.The Company leases additional premises from the KatholiekeUniversiteit Leuven (Universitaire Ziekenhuizen Leuven) for itsproduction facility in Leuven.Facility in the NetherlandsOn June 25, 2009, <strong>TiGenix</strong> B.V. has entered into a long term leaseagreement for a building on the Chemelot Campus in Sittard-Geleen. These premises are being adapted and equippedto become <strong>TiGenix</strong>’ cell expansion facility for commercialproduction in Europe.Facility in the UK<strong>TiGenix</strong> Ltd’s registered office and research and developmentsite is based at premises leased at the Byron House in theCambridge Business Park, Cowley Road, Cambridge, UK.Facility in the USIn 2007, TC CEF LLC (a joint venture asset managementcompany set up by <strong>TiGenix</strong> Inc. and Cognate BioServices, Inc.)acquired the assets of a fully equipped CEF from Cell Genesys,Inc. in Memphis, TN, U.S. On November 23, <strong>2010</strong> <strong>TiGenix</strong> Inc. haswithdrawn itself form TC CEF LLC and hence has no longer acell expansion facility in the US.Acquisition of CellerixAs a result of the Contribution, the Company acquired allshares in Cellerix. Further details on the facilities of Cellerix areprovided in section Grants & subsidiesSince its incorporation <strong>TiGenix</strong> has been awarded multipleresearch and development grants from the Flemishgovernment (through the IWT 42 ) in 2000 (€992,465),2003 (€574,899), 2008 (€1,814,658, paid in the course of 2009,<strong>2010</strong> and 2011) and <strong>2010</strong> (€209,043, part of which was paid inthe course of <strong>2010</strong> and part of which is expected to be paidin the course of the following years), a European FP7 grant42 Agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie (Agency forInnovation through Science and Technology)in 2008 (€1,156,500, part of which was paid in the course of2008 and 2009 and part of which will be paid in the courseof the following years), two grants from the UK TechnologyStrategy Board in 2008 (£328,067, partially paid in the course of2009 and <strong>2010</strong> and part is expected to be paid in the course of2011), two grants in 2009 (£135,000, fully paid in the course of<strong>2010</strong>), one grant from the National Institute for Health Research(£382,021 which is expected to be paid in the course of thefollowing years), one grant of Provincie Limburg (€150,000, partof which was paid in the course of <strong>2010</strong> and part of which isexpected to be paid in the course of the following years) andone grant of Sittard Geleen (€125,000, fully paid in the course of<strong>2010</strong>).<strong>TiGenix</strong> has also received a grant for the set-up of its office inthe U.S. To the extent the granting conditions are met, thesegrants must not be refunded.A summary of the main outstanding grants can be found insection is the Company’s intention to request additional grants fromdifferent sources in the coming years.Acquisition of CellerixAs a result of the Contribution, the Company acquired all sharesin Cellerix. Further details on grants and subsidies received byCellerix are provided in section LitigationOn the date of this prospectus and since the incorporation ofthe Company, <strong>TiGenix</strong> is not involved in any legal proceeding,except for the proceedings in which Cellerix is involved as setout in section Acquisition and Activities ofCellerix S.A.6.14.1 IntroductionCellerix is a product-focused biopharmaceutical companyheadquartered in Madrid, Spain, that is developing innovativemedicines based on cell therapy. Cellerix is a recognisedleader in the research and application of expanded allogeneic(donor-derived) stem cells of adult origin in severe diseaseswith high unmet medical need. Its pipeline builds upon awell characterized and EMA validated population of stem cellsderived from human adipose tissue (ASCs), which are expanded131 •

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