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At December 31, Cellerix’ share capital, share premium andassociated issuance costs were as follows:Years ended December 31Thousands of Euro (€) <strong>2010</strong> 2009 2008Share capital 104 83 74Share Premium 41,673 37,652 32.301Issuance cost (42) (168) (50)As of May 20, 2008 Cellerix increased its capital through theissuance of 415,700 new Class A shares with nominal valueof €0.013/share. These shares were issued at par and allshareholders waived their preference rights. The shares werefully subscribed by Cx EBIP Agreement, S.L., a financial vehiclecreated to manage the Equity Based Incentive Plans of Cellerix(“EBIPs”) granted to managers, directors and employees ofCellerix.Another round of capital increases took place on July 25, 2008,implemented as follows:• Capital increase through the creation of 64,648 new classB shares, all with the same nominal value, paid for by thecancellation of a loan held by Cellerix from Genetrix LifeScience, A.B. in the amount of €752k.• Capital increase through the creation of 368,250 new classB shares, all with the same nominal value, paid for by amonetary contribution and fully paid up.• Capital increase through the creation of 37,850 new Class Ashares, all with the same nominal value, issued at par andpaid for by a monetary contribution. The new shares weresubscribed to by the company Cx EBIP Agreement, S.L.On November 10, 2009, a new capital increase was subscribedas follows:• Capital increase through the creation of 681,478 new ClassC shares, all with the same nominal value, paid for by amonetary contribution and fully paid up.• Capital increase through the creation of 59,288 new ClassA shares, all with the same nominal value, issued at par andpaid for by a monetary contribution. The new shares weresubscribed to by the company Cx EBIP Agreement, S.L.A further capital increase was subscribed to on February 12,<strong>2010</strong>, as follows:• Capital increase through the creation of 25,198 new ClassC shares, all with the same nominal value, paid for by amonetary contribution and fully paid up.• Capital increase through the creation of 2,191 new Class Ashares, all with the same nominal value, issued at par andpaid for by a monetary contribution. The new shares weresubscribed to by the company Cx EBIP Agreement, S.L.On May 18, <strong>2010</strong> Cellerix increased its capital through theissuance of 49,446 new Class A shares, 228,457 Class B sharesand 348,988 Class C shares, all with nominal value. These shareswere issued at par and paid for by a monetary contribution.A further capital increase was subscribed on October 15, <strong>2010</strong>,as follows:• Capital increase through the creation of 755,994 new ClassC shares, all with the same nominal value, paid for by amonetary contribution.• Capital increase through the creation of 138,151 new ClassB shares, all with the same nominal value, issued at par andpaid for by a monetary contribution.• Capital increase through the creation of 77,751 new Class Ashares, all with the same nominal value, issued at par andpaid for by a monetary contribution. The new shares weresubscribed to by the company Cx EBIP Agreement, S.L.As of December 31, <strong>2010</strong> the capital stock of Cellerix stoodat €104,476.385, consisting of 8,036,645 shares with nominalvalue of €0.013 each (of which 2,974,091 are Class A shares,3,250,896 are Class B shares and 1,811,658 are Class C shares). Allof Cellerix’ shares are fully subscribed and totally paid up.217 •

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