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population, methods for the isolation thereof, their use inthe preparation of regulatory T-cells and cell therapy ofautoimmune diseases and chronic inflammation.Other therapeutic applications:• “Biomaterial for suturing.”: A patent family of US & EPpending applications and a Spanish granted patentprotecting a suturing biomaterial coated in stem cells and itstherapeutic use.• “Use of adipose tissue derived mesenchymal stem cells forthe treatment of graft versus host disease”: A patent familyof EP & US applications protecting the use of a stem cellpopulation in the treatment of graft versus host disease.• “Uses of mesenchymal stem cells”: A patent family of US, EP,JO, KR, CA & AU applications protecting the use of a stemcell population in the treatment of sepsis.eASC delivery patents:• “Injection Device”: A patent family of EP, US & JP applicationsprotecting an injection device of use in the administration ofcellular therapies.• “Methods and compositions for use in cellular therapies.”:A PCT application protecting novel methods for theintralymphatic administration of cellular therapies, cellcomposition, kits and therapeutic uses including in thetreatment of autoimmune and inflammatory disorders.• “Methods and compositions for use in cellular therapies.“:An EP priority application (lapsed) protecting novelcompositions, dosage and dosage regimens for theintralymphatic administration of cellular therapies, cellcomposition, kits and therapeutic uses including in thetreatment of autoimmune and inflammatory disorders.eASC technology improvements:• “Methods for the preparation of adipose derived stem cellsand utilizing said cells in the treatment of diseases”: A PCTpatent application protecting methods for the preparationof adipose derived stem cells using a CD26 antagonist orinhibitor, and the utilization of said cells in the treatment ofdiseases.• “Compositions comprising adipose stem cells”: A PCT patentapplication protecting microencapsulated adipose derivedstem cells and their use in therapeutic applications.• “Cells, nucleic acid constructs, cells comprising saidconstructs and methods utilizing said cells in the treatmentof diseases. “: A PCT patent application protecting agenetically engineered adipose derived stem cell, nucleicacid expression constructs, methods for the preparationthereof, kits and uses of the cells in the preparation ofregulatory T-cells and in the therapy of diseases.• “Methods for the preparation of cellular therapies”: A priorityU.K. patent application protecting novel methods for thepreparation of cellular therapies, products and uses thereof.• “Stem cell culture media and methods.”: A priority EPapplication (lapsed) that protects a culture medium and cellculture methods.• “Cell populations having immunoregulatory activity,methods for the preparation and uses thereof.” (EPapplication number EP11157930): An EP priority applicationprotecting a population of adipose derived stem cells ascharacterized by cell surface markers. The application alsoclaims methods for the preparation of said cell populationsas well as kits, therapeutic applications and the use of saidcell populations in the preparation of regulatory T-cells.Cx501:• “Artificial dermis and production method thereof”: Aworldwide patent family protecting an artificial dermis, itsmanufacturing method, therapeutic applications (such asmain burn treatments, chronic skin ulcers, etc.) and its useas a vehicle for therapeutic molecules. This patent family isgranted in Europe (nationalized in FR, AU, BE, PT, SE, CH, DE,DK, ES, GB, IE, IT, NL), TW, AU US & JP. It is pending in the US,EP, JP and CA.Cx911 (Tregs):• “Cell populations having immunoregulatory activity,method for isolation and uses” (PCT Publication numberWO2007039150): As described above, this patent familyprotects a method for the preparation of regulatory T-cellsusing ASC, the use thereof in the therapy of diseases and kitscomprising said cells.• “Cell populations having immunoregulatory activity,methods for the preparation and uses thereof.” (PCTApplication Number PCT/EP<strong>2010</strong>/066007): A PCT patent146 • <strong>TiGenix</strong> • Rights Offering

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