VLIDORT User's Guide

VLIDORT User's Guide

VLIDORT User's Guide


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these are the BRDF parameters. E.g.. for Cox-Munk,BRDF_PARAMETERS(k,1) and BRDF_PARAMETERS(k,2)are Wind speed and refractive index respectively.LAMBERTIAN_KERNEL_FLAG Logical (I) Flag to indicate surface is purely Lambertian so onlyLambertian calculations are done internally.BRDF_FACTORS Real*8 (I) Amplitude factor associated with a BRDF kernel.NSTREAMS_BRDF Integer (I) Number of angles used in azimuthal integration duringBRDF calculation.DO_SHADOW_EFFECT Logical (I) If set, calculations for incorporating the Shadow effect forthe sea-surface glitter reflectance BRDF model will bedone. Recommended.DO_EXACT Logical (I) If set, the exact BRDF will be calculated.DO_EXACT_ONLY Logical (I) If set, only the exact BRDF will be calculated (i.e. noFourier calculations).DO_GLITTER_MSRCORR Logical (I) If set, multiple reflectance correction for all terms ofGLITTER kernels will be done.DO_GLITTER_MSRCORR_EXACTONLY Logical (I) If set, multiple reflectance correction for only the exacttermof Glitter kernels will be done.GLITTER_MSRCORR_ORDER Integer (I) Order of correction for multiple reflectance computations (= 0 (no correction), 1, 2, 3, etc…).Warning, using S > 0 can increase CPU time dramatically.GLITTER_MSRCORR_NMUQUAD Integer (I) Number of angles used in zenith integration duringmultiple reflectance correction.GLITTER_MSRCORR_NPHIQUAD Integer (I) Number of angles used in azimuthal integration duringmultiple reflectance correction.Table B1: Type structure VBRDF_Sup_OutputsName Kind/Intent DescriptionEXACTDB_BRDFUNC (S,a,b,s) Real*8 (O) Exact direct bounce BRDF for Stokes vector component S,incident solar angle s, reflected line-of-sight angle a, andrelative azimuth b.BRDF_F_0 (M,S,k,s) Real*8 (O) Fourier components M of total BRDF for Stokes vectorcomponent S, incident solar angle s and reflected discreteordinate k.BRDF_F (M,S,k,j) Real*8 (O) Fourier components M of total BRDF for Stokes vectorcomponent S, incident discrete ordinate j and reflecteddiscrete ordinate k.USER_BRDF_F_0 (M,S,a,s) Real*8 (O) Fourier components M of total BRDF for Stokes vectorcomponent S, incident solar angle s and reflected line-ofsightzenith angle a.USER_BRDF_F (M,S,a,j) Real*8 (O) Fourier components M of total BRDF for Stokes vectorcomponent S, incident discrete ordinate j and reflectedline-of-sight zenith angle a.EMISSIVITY (S,k) Real*8 (O) Surface emissivity for Stokes vector component S andemitted discrete ordinate k.USER_EMISSIVITY (S,a) Real*8 (O) Surface emissivity for Stokes vector component S andemitted line-of-sight zenith angle a.Table B2: Type Structure VBRDF_Input_Exception_HandlingName Kind/Intent DescriptionSTATUS_INPUTREAD Integer (O) Overall status of input read.NINPUTMESSAGES Integer (O) Number of input read error messages.INPUTMESSAGES Character (O) Array of input-read error messages.INPUTACTIONS Character (O) Array of input-read actions to take.109

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