VLIDORT User's Guide

VLIDORT User's Guide

VLIDORT User's Guide


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Table C: Type Structure VBRDF_LinSup_InputsName Kind/Intent DescriptionDO_KERNEL_FACTOR_WFS (k) Logical (I) Flags for weighting functions w.r.t. linearcombination coefficient k in BRDF kernel sum.DO_KERNEL_PARAMS_WFS (k,b) Logical (I) Flags for weighting functions for (nonlinear)parameter b in BRDF kernel k.DO_KPARAMS_DERIVS (k) Logical (I) If set for a given BRDF kernel k, the chosenweighting functions for that BRDF kernel will bedone.N_SURFACE_WFS Integer (I) Sum of the following two entries. Should be setequal to N_SURFACE_WFS in linearizationcontrol Type structure (Table A12). Should notexceed dimension MAX_SURFACEWFS.N_KERNEL_FACTOR_WFS Integer (I) Number of weighting functions w.r.t. linearcombination coefficients in BRDF kernel sumN_KERNEL_PARAMS_WFS Integer (I) Number of weighting functions for (nonlinear)BRDF parameters.Table D: Type structure VBRDF_LinSup_OutputsName Kind/Intent DescriptionLS_EXACTDB_BRDFUNC (q,S,a,b,s) Real*8 (O) Linearized exact direct bounce BRDF for Stokesvector component S, incident solar angle s,reflected line-of-sight angle a, and relativeazimuth b, w.r.t. surface property q.LS_BRDF_F_0 (q,M,S,k,s) Real*8 (O) Linearized Fourier components M of total BRDFfor Stokes vector component S, incident solarangle s and reflected discrete ordinate k, w.r.t.surface property q.LS_BRDF_F (q,M,S,k,j) Real*8 (O) Linearized Fourier components M of total BRDFfor Stokes vector component S, incident discreteordinate j and reflected discrete ordinate k, w.r.t.surface property q.LS_USER_BRDF_F_0 (q,M,S,a,s) Real*8 (O) Linearized Fourier components M of total BRDFfor Stokes vector component S, incident solarangle s and reflected line-of-sight zenith angle a,w.r.t. surface property q.LS_USER_BRDF_F (q,M,S,a,j) Real*8 (O) Linearized Fourier components M of total BRDFfor Stokes vector component S, incident discreteordinate j and reflected line-of-sight zenith anglea, w.r.t. surface property q.LS_EMISSIVITY (q,S,k) Real*8 (O) Linearized surface emissivity for Stokes vectorcomponent S and emitted discrete ordinate k,w.r.t. surface property q.LS_USER_EMISSIVITY (q,S,a) Real*8 (O) Linearized surface emissivity for Stokes vectorcomponent S and emitted line-of-sight zenithangle a, w.r.t. surface property q.110

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