VLIDORT User's Guide

VLIDORT User's Guide

VLIDORT User's Guide


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Table A2: Type Structure <strong>VLIDORT</strong>_Fixed_BooleanNameKind/IntenDescriptiontDO_FULLRAD_MODE Logical (I) If set, <strong>VLIDORT</strong> will do a full radiance calculation.DO_SSCORR_TRUNCATION Logical (I) If set, <strong>VLIDORT</strong> performs additional delta-M scaling on thesingle scatter RTE, applicable to either the nadir-only or theoutgoing sphericity SS calculations.DO_SSEXTERNAL Logical (I) If set, <strong>VLIDORT</strong> will use single scatter results computedexternally in computations requiring single-scatter input.DO_SSFULL Logical (I) If set, <strong>VLIDORT</strong> operates in single scatter mode, with nodiffuse field. In this case, results are taken from SSCORRnadir or outgoing modules and, for the upwelling field, thedirect-bounce correction (BRDF/Lambertian) is added.Note: DO_SSFULL overrides DO_FULLRAD_MODE.DO_THERMAL_EMISSION Logical (I) If set, <strong>VLIDORT</strong> will compute atmospheric thermalemission with possible scattering.DO_SURFACE_EMISSION Logical (I) If set, <strong>VLIDORT</strong> will compute surface thermal emissionDO_PLANE_PARALLEL Logical (I) Flag for use of the plane-parallel approximation for the directbeam attenuation. If not set, the atmosphere will be pseudospherical.DO_UPWELLING Logical (I) If set, <strong>VLIDORT</strong> will compute upwelling output.DO_DNWELLING Logical (I) If set, <strong>VLIDORT</strong> will compute downwelling output.DO_QUAD_OUTPUT Logical (I) If set, <strong>VLIDORT</strong> will return radiances at quadrature streamangles.DO_LAMBERTIAN_SURFACE Logical (I) Flag for choosing Lambertian surface properties.DO_SURFACE_LEAVING Logical (I) Flag for choosing implementation of a surface leavingStokes vector contribution.DO_SL_ISOTROPIC Logical (I) Flag for choosing isotropic surface leaving contributions.Table A3: Type Structure <strong>VLIDORT</strong>_Fixed_ControlNameKind/IntenDescriptiontNSTOKES Integer (I) Number of Stokes vector parameters for which computationswill be done.NSTREAMS Integer (I) Number of quadrature streams in the cosine half space [0, 1].Must be ≤ symbolic dimension MAXSTREAMS.NLAYERS Integer (I) Number of layers in atmosphere (NLAYERS = 1 is allowed).Must be ≤ symbolic dimension MAXLAYERS.NFINELAYERS Integer (I) Number of fine layers subdividing coarse layering. Only forDO_SSCORR_OUTGOING, ≤ dimensionMAXFINELAYERS.N_THERMAL_COEFFS Integer (I) Number of coefficients used in treatment of blackbodyemission in a layer. N_THERMAL_COEFFS = 1 impliesconstant within a layer; N_THERMAL_COEFFS = 2implies a linear treatment. Maximum value allowed iscurrently 2.<strong>VLIDORT</strong>_ACCURACY Real*8 (I) Accuracy criterion for convergence of Fourier series inrelative azimuth. If for each output stream, addition of them th Fourier term changes the total (Fourier-summed)intensity by a relative amount less than this value, then wepass the convergence test. For each solar angle, convergenceis tested for intensities at all output stream angles, levels andazimuth angles. Once one solar beam result has converged,there is no further point in calculating any more Fourierterms for this beam,.84

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