Sequential Circuits Prophet-5 Service Manual - Audiofanzine

Sequential Circuits Prophet-5 Service Manual - Audiofanzine

Sequential Circuits Prophet-5 Service Manual - Audiofanzine


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1 J8-2 REVISION 3.2 ANALOG and POWER SUPPLY116 ANALOG INTERFACE connector is SCI //J-05^- To mate, use SL-40-5M, SCI //P-05^, The pin specifications are:WARNING! Since we have no idea what you will beIconnecting to these inputs, wecannot guarantee this interface will work with any custom device. You are completelyresponsible for any damage to the <strong>Prophet</strong> which may resultaccessories.Pin 1, GROUNDfrom connecting non-SCIPin 3, +22V, unregulated, 50 mAPin 5, -22V, unregulated, 50 mAThese two supplies have 5.1-ohm current-limiting resistors (see SD551). But accessoriesshould be fully tested with another power source before connecting to these supplies.WARNING! The <strong>Prophet</strong> can be damaged ifprotection of the <strong>Prophet</strong>, itthese supplies are tampered with. For bestis best to avoid using these supplies.Pin ^, PITCH WHEEL CONTROL VOLTAGE INPUT (P-WH CV IN)This input raises or lowers the pitch of all five voices. The voltage applied should benominally zero for the instrument to be tuned to A-4^0. Both positive and negativevoltages can be applied. The <strong>Prophet</strong> disables this input during its TUNE routine toprevent accidental detuning.Pin 2, MODULATION WHEEL CONTROL VOLTAGE INPUT (M-WHCV IN)This input ranges - +10V, with maximum modulation being applied at +10V. Do notapply a negative voltage to this input.Rev 3.2 changes to the Common Analog section are shown on SD35^. The MOD Wheelcircuitry has gained a Summer U374-8 to add the Mod Wheel CV and an external ModCV together. VGA U381-12 allows the remote voltage control, and introduces WHEELBAL trimmer R316S. Trim procedure is in Section 11.Remote PITCH CV input required switch U377-10 to disable this input during the TUNEroutine.8-^ TM1000D.2 10/81

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