Annual report 2009 - Dexia.com

Annual report 2009 - Dexia.com

Annual report 2009 - Dexia.com

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Notes to the annual fi nancial statementsManagement <strong>report</strong>Consolidatedfinancial statements<strong>Annual</strong> financial statementsAdditional informationpay the permanent establishment their contribution to the taxconsolidation group’s payment of corporation tax. For the year<strong>2009</strong>, payments made in advance by subsidiaries exceed theestimated tax due from them to the head of the Group, so on31 December <strong>2009</strong> the permanent establishment had a debt ofEUR 3.9 million to subsidiary <strong>com</strong>panies involved In French taxconsolidation.The debt due to the French and Belgian governments as<strong>com</strong>mission on the guarantee granted to <strong>Dexia</strong> SA (cf. note4.4.6.) for the period from 30 June to 30 December <strong>2009</strong> isEUR 58 million.The balance of dividends remaining to be paid for previousfinancial years is EUR 101.3 million.The remaining balance of EUR 0.8 million is related to othervarious liabilities, including EUR 0.7 million due to otherGroup <strong>com</strong>panies.4.3.8. ACCRUED CHARGES AND DEFERREDINCOMEThis item is <strong>com</strong>posed exclusively of expenses to be accruedas follows:• financial charges on a currency and interest swap(EUR 3.1 million);• financial charges linked to loans due with Group <strong>com</strong>panies(EUR 8.7 million);• pro rata operating expenditures attributable to the <strong>2009</strong>fiscal year (EUR 1.4 million).4.4. Off-balance-sheet items –<strong>com</strong>mitments<strong>Dexia</strong> SA has significant <strong>com</strong>mitments that are recorded offbalancesheet:4.4.1. On 2 November 2006, <strong>Dexia</strong> SA issued a subordinatedguarantee within the context of a subordinated“hybrid Tier 1” issue by <strong>Dexia</strong> Funding Luxembourg SA(DFL), a 100% subsidiary of <strong>Dexia</strong> SA (perpetual noncumulativesecurities at a guaranteed fixed/floating rate,for a global amount of EUR 500 million). This subordinatedguarantee was issued in favour of the security holders whosubscribed to the said securities and cover the payment byDFL of (i) any coupon which has not been waived in accordancewith the issue conditions and (ii) the redemptionprice in the case of the liquidation or insolvency of DFL (orsimilar situations) or (iii) the redemption price in the caseof redemption in accordance with the issue conditions.4.4.2. The acquisition of the American group FinancialSecurity Assurance was partly financed through a currencyand interest rate swap contract signed with <strong>Dexia</strong> CréditLocal in the amount of USD 134.2 million (EUR 93.2 millionas at 31 December <strong>2009</strong>) against EUR 141.2 million. The riskassociated with that swap was hedged by a reverse contractproviding for the purchase of USD 134.2 million forward foran amount of EUR 97.8 million.4.4.3. As at 31 December <strong>2009</strong>, the number of stockoptions granted and not yet exercised stood at 71,242,718.On the basis of the strike prices, this operation results in anoff-balance-sheet <strong>com</strong>mitment of EUR 1,142 million.4.4.4. On 18 May 2005, <strong>Dexia</strong> SA purchased 100% of theshares of <strong>Dexia</strong> Nederland Holding NV from <strong>Dexia</strong> Financière SAon the basis of a valuation made of these at EUR 93 millionsubject to a return to better fortune clause granted to <strong>Dexia</strong>BIL and <strong>Dexia</strong> Bank, also shareholders of <strong>Dexia</strong> Financière,for the case where the value of <strong>Dexia</strong> Nederland Holding,including the DBnl holding, should be revised upwards as aconsequence of decisions in favour of DBnl.4.4.5. On 5 December 2002, <strong>Dexia</strong> SA undertook vis-à-vis itssubsidiary <strong>Dexia</strong> Bank Nederland NV and each of the entitieswhich will result from the demerger of <strong>Dexia</strong> Bank Nederland,excluding any other entity, to ensure that <strong>Dexia</strong> Bank Nederlandor the entities are at any time in a position to fulfil their<strong>com</strong>mitments vis-à-vis third parties and to continue their activities,including the maintenance of their relations with accountholders and other clients; in particular, the aim of this undertakingwas to prevent third parties being prejudiced by thedemerger of <strong>Dexia</strong> Bank Nederland. The amendment or withdrawalof this undertaking was subject to prior agreement fromDNB (De Nederlandsche Bank). The sale of Kempen & Co NVto a group of financial investors and management was finalisedon 15 November 2004. Within the context of this sale,<strong>Dexia</strong> SA reconfirmed by letter dated the same day its undertakingvis-à-vis <strong>Dexia</strong> Bank Nederland, which remains a 100%subsidiary of <strong>Dexia</strong> to the exclusion of any other entity. Inaddition to the usual guarantees given to purchasers to which<strong>Dexia</strong> SA is also bound, <strong>Dexia</strong> SA will indemnify Kempen &Co against the risks relating to share leasing contracts sold by<strong>Dexia</strong> Bank Nederland NV, formerly Labouchere, and undertakesto <strong>com</strong>pensate Kempen & Co for damage resulting froma limited and identified number of elements.4.4.6. TRANSACTIONS WITH THE BELGIANAND FRENCH STATES3 October 2008 capital increase and resultingshareholdingsOn 3 October 2008, the Belgian federal State, the Flemishand Walloon Regions, the Brussels-Capital Region and theFrench State, together with the historical reference shareholders(Holding Communal, Arcofin, Ethias, the Caisse desDépôts et Consignations and CNP Assurances), subscribed fora capital increase of <strong>Dexia</strong> in an amount of EUR 6 billion.The capital increase was subscribed for in the followingproportion:• the Belgian federal State, through the Federal Holding andInvestment Company, invested EUR 1 billion;• the three Belgian Regions invested a total amount ofEUR 1 billion (EUR 500 million by the Flemish Region, EUR350 million by the Walloon Region, and EUR 150 million bythe Brussels-Capital Region);• the French State, through the Société de Prise de Participationde l’Etat, invested EUR 1 billion;• the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations and CNP Assurancesinvested EUR 2 billion; and224<strong>Dexia</strong> <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>report</strong> <strong>2009</strong>

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