Annual report 2009 - Dexia.com

Annual report 2009 - Dexia.com

Annual report 2009 - Dexia.com

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Notes to the annual fi nancial statements6. Declaration concerning the consolidated accountsThe enterprise has established and published the consolidated accounts and a consilidated financial statement.Management <strong>report</strong>Consolidatedfinancial statements<strong>Annual</strong> financial statementsAdditional information7. Social <strong>report</strong>7.1. Statement of the persons employed in <strong>2009</strong>A. EMPLOYEES RECORDED IN THE STAFF REGISTER IN BELGIUM1. During the period and duringthe previous periodFull-time(period)Part-time(period)Total (T) or totalfull-time equivalents(FTE)(period)Total (T) or totalfull-time equivalents(FTE)(previous period)Average number of employees 204.0 44.0 234.7 (FTE) 234.2 (FTE)Number of actual working hours 342,192 10,239 352,431 (T) 367,047 (T)Personnel charges (in EUR) 33,750,907 1,009,874 34,760,781 (T) 42,183,759 (T)2. As at the closing date of the period Full-time Part-time Total of full-timeequivalentsa. Number of employees recorded in the personnel register 200 45 231.4b. By nature of the employment contractContract of indefinite period 199 45 230.4Contract of definite period 1 - 1.0c. According to gender and by level of educationMale 120 27 139.0secondary education 9 - 9.0higher non-university education 12 3 14.1university education 99 24 115.9Female 80 18 92.4secondary education 5 1 5.8higher non-university education 25 6 28.5university education 50 11 58.1d. By professional categoryManagement staff 24 14 34.3Employees 176 31 197.1B. HIRED TEMPORARY STAFF AND PERSONNEL PLACED AT THE ENTERPRISE’S DISPOSALDuring the periodTemporarypersonnelPersons placedat the disposalof the enterpriseAverage number of employees 0 0Number of hours actually worked 0 0Charges of the enterprise (in EUR) 0 0240<strong>Dexia</strong> <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>report</strong> <strong>2009</strong>

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