Annual report 2009 - Dexia.com

Annual report 2009 - Dexia.com

Annual report 2009 - Dexia.com

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Risk managementManagement <strong>report</strong>Consolidatedfinancial statements<strong>Annual</strong> financial statementsAdditional informationThe Basel II frameworkSince 1 January 2008 the <strong>Dexia</strong> Group has used the AdvancedInternal Rating Based Approach (AIRBA) for calculating itscapital requirements and its solvency ratios. New models havebeen developed and will progressively be used for calculatingregulatory capital as from 31 December 2010.The year <strong>2009</strong> was marked by progress in the implementationof Pillar 2. This mechanism, applicable since 31 December2008, requires banks to demonstrate to their regulatorsthe appropriateness of their risk profile and their capital.To do so, they must in particular have internal systems forthe calculation and management of their risks, capable ofmaking a valid assessment of their economic capital needs(Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process − ICAAP). Thisprocess is thus based on two main processes: risk analysisby the Risk Management and the financial plan (includinga capital allocation and an analysis of the evolution of theresults of business lines as well as the internal capital supply)by the Finance department. As Pillar 2 of Basel II is a totallyintegrated and transversal process, the Pillar 2 file essentiallyconsists of the file established at <strong>Dexia</strong> SA level, of whichsome parts have been set at entity level.The first quantitative ICAAP <strong>report</strong> was submitted on15 March <strong>2009</strong> and a first presentation on <strong>Dexia</strong>’s Pillar 2approach was made on 25 March <strong>2009</strong> to its 12 principalregulators. The <strong>com</strong>plete file was submitted on 30 June <strong>2009</strong>on the basis of the Group’s strategic reorientation. In-depthPillar 2 inspections were performed by the college of regulatorsin the fourth quarter of <strong>2009</strong>.The Board of Directors and the Management Board of<strong>Dexia</strong> SA have been kept fully informed of developmentswith regard to Pillar 2.Pillar 3, which defines a range of qualitative and quantitativeinformation in relation to risks distributed to marketoperators, is applicable at the highest consolidated level ofthe <strong>Dexia</strong> Group and has been part of the external <strong>com</strong>municationof <strong>Dexia</strong> SA since 2008 (see the document RiskReport – Pillar 3 of Basel II published on <strong>Dexia</strong>’s websitewww.dexia.<strong>com</strong>).Finally, <strong>Dexia</strong> is closely involved in national and internationalconsultations on the subject of amendments to the CapitalRequirement Directive and, more generally, in the ongoingdiscussion on the optimum level of capitalisation for banks(dynamic funding, leverage ratio, definition of capital and soon).Credit riskDefinitionCredit risk represents the potential loss (decrease of assetvalue or payment default) which <strong>Dexia</strong> may incur as a resultof deterioration in the solvency of any counterparty.Governance<strong>Dexia</strong> Risk Management oversees its credit risks under thesupervision of the Management Board and specialist risk<strong>com</strong>mittees. It is responsible for elaborating credit-risk policiesand guidelines, including the decision-taking process andthe framework for delegations, and supervising the rating/analysis processes as well as the exposure surveillance functions.In order to optimise the appropriateness of the skillsin the Risk department and their field of intervention, RiskManagement will evolve over 2010 into an organisationwith specialist expertise centres consistent with the various<strong>Dexia</strong> business lines (Retail and Commercial Banking CreditRisk, Public and Wholesale Banking Credit Risk, and MarketOperations Credit Risk) giving rise to the establishment ofrisk <strong>com</strong>mittees specialising per expertise centre, the overallcoordination of which will be in the hands of transversal<strong>com</strong>mittees.Transversal <strong>com</strong>mitteesThe Risk Policy Committee, organised quarterly, approves thecredit assignment rules, which are detailed in the credit-riskpolicies.The Risk Executive Committee, organised weekly, decides onthe risk management strategy and the organisation of thesupport line.The Management Credit Committee, organised weekly,takes binding decisions on major files or credit files with anincreased credit risk.Credit-risk management falls within the more general frameworkof the internal capital adequacy process (cf. internalcapital adequacy in this chapter).Committees specialising per expertise centreThe decision-making process applied to transactions isorganised via a series of credit <strong>com</strong>mittees. These areorganised per specialist expertise centre, and approve transactionswhich are not delegated to the entities. All of these<strong>com</strong>mittees operate under the delegation of the ManagementCredit Committee. A transaction is delegated on thebasis of specific delegation rules, depending upon the type ofcounterparty, rating levels and credit-risk exposure. Sub<strong>com</strong>mitteeshave been created within the Group (entities, subsidiariesand branches) to deal with credit delegations. Eachfile presented to a credit <strong>com</strong>mittee contains an independentanalysis made by the Risk Management department.The Special Mention and Watchlist Committees of the expertisecentres and of the entities monitor “sensitive” assetsplaced on watch. The <strong>com</strong>mittees are organised quarterly.The Default Committees of the expertise centres and of theentities define and monitor counterparties in default accordingto Basel II applying the rules which prevail at <strong>Dexia</strong>. These<strong>com</strong>mittees are organised quarterly.The Impairments Committees of the expertise centres andof the entities draw up quarterly <strong>report</strong>s on the amount ofprovisions allocated and monitor the cost of risk. These <strong>com</strong>mitteesare organised quarterly.56<strong>Dexia</strong> <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>report</strong> <strong>2009</strong>

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