Annual report 2009 - Dexia.com

Annual report 2009 - Dexia.com

Annual report 2009 - Dexia.com

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Activity and results of the business lines // Asset Management and ServicesManagement <strong>report</strong>Consolidatedfinancial statements<strong>Annual</strong> financial statementsResultsIn <strong>2009</strong>, after a difficult first quarter marked by impairmentsand losses on insurance investment portfolios, theresults of AMS which includes Asset Management, InvestorServices and Insurance, improved constantly throughout theyear. The business line <strong>report</strong>ed a net in<strong>com</strong>e Group share ofEUR 74 million for the full year against a loss of EUR 329 millionin 2008.Asset ManagementNet in<strong>com</strong>e Group share amounted to EUR 37 million in<strong>2009</strong>, more than three times higher than in 2008, whichwas heavily impacted by the financial crisis. Nevertheless, theresults of asset management were contrasted in <strong>2009</strong> as theyear began modestly but improved during the second halfof the year.Total in<strong>com</strong>e stood at EUR 179 million in <strong>2009</strong>, up 11%<strong>com</strong>pared to the previous year. This increase is due to theimpact of the financial crisis in 2008, rising performance fees(+44%) and decreasing management fees (-29%) due tolower average assets under management.Expenses fell to EUR 128 million (-11% <strong>com</strong>pared to lastyear) by virtue of the active management of costs and moreparticularly staff costs, IT and marketing expenses. Thecost ratio remained low at 16 basis points of assets undermanagement.Pretax in<strong>com</strong>e for the year amounted to EUR 51 million,almost three times higher than in 2008.Investor ServicesNet in<strong>com</strong>e Group share amounted to EUR 19 millionin <strong>2009</strong>, down EUR 62 million (-77%) <strong>com</strong>pared to 2008,mainly due to a decrease in average assets under administrationand lower interest in<strong>com</strong>e on client deposits.In<strong>com</strong>e amounted to EUR 327 million in <strong>2009</strong>, downEUR 81 million (-20%) driven by a decrease of core businessfees and of the interest margin.Costs were slightly reduced (EUR -4 million) over the year asa result of cost-cutting initiatives, especially at the level of ITexpenses.Cost of risk and impairments amounted to EUR 6 millionin <strong>2009</strong>, as a result of a provision related to a legal claimbooked in the first quarter.Pretax in<strong>com</strong>e decreased from EUR 110 million in 2008 toEUR 27 million by the end of <strong>2009</strong>.InsuranceNet in<strong>com</strong>e Group share amounted to EUR 19 million in<strong>2009</strong> <strong>com</strong>pared to a net loss of EUR 420 million in 2008,which included EUR 594 million (net) impairments and losseson investment portfolios, mainly bonds and shares. In <strong>2009</strong>,insurance activities were back to profitability after some additionalimpairments and losses in the first half of <strong>2009</strong>, partlyoffset by capital gains and write-backs in the fourth quarterof <strong>2009</strong>.In<strong>com</strong>e was at EUR 242 million in <strong>2009</strong> as a result of financialin<strong>com</strong>e bouncing back (including a write-back of impairmentsand capital gains) after an unfavourable evolutionin the first half of the year. The improved financial in<strong>com</strong>ewas tempered in the last quarter of <strong>2009</strong> by profit-sharingallocation.Costs decreased by EUR 2 million to EUR 251 million in <strong>2009</strong>due to ongoing cost control.As a result, pretax in<strong>com</strong>e was at EUR -25 million in <strong>2009</strong>.Taxes were at EUR 44 million further to deferred tax assetsand a EUR 32 million one-off adjustment.Additional information82<strong>Dexia</strong> <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>report</strong> <strong>2009</strong>

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