Annual report 2009 - Dexia.com

Annual report 2009 - Dexia.com

Annual report 2009 - Dexia.com

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Corporate governanceThe Appointment and Compensation CommitteeCompositionThe Appointment and Compensation Committee consists ofthree to five non-executive directors including the Chairmanof the Board of Directors and at least one independent director.The Chief Executive Officer may also attend meetings,but he may not be a member.The members of the Appointment and Compensation Committeeare (as at 31 December <strong>2009</strong>):• Jean-Luc Dehaene, Chairman of the Board of Directors,independent director and Chairman of the Committee• Christian Gia<strong>com</strong>otto, independent director (1)• Francine Swiggers, director• Augustin de Romanet de Beaune, director• Francis Vermeiren, directorResponsibilities (as at 31 December <strong>2009</strong>):Regarding <strong>com</strong>pensationThe Committee proposes:• the <strong>com</strong>pensation for the Chairman of the Board and theChief Executive Officer and, based on the Chief ExecutiveOfficer’s re<strong>com</strong>mendation, the <strong>com</strong>pensation for the membersof the Management Board;• the granting of stock options in application of the generalprinciples defined by the Board of Directors.It is consulted moreover on the policy of <strong>com</strong>pensation andincentives for top executives of the Group, as well as thepolicy regarding employee share plans.It also makes re<strong>com</strong>mendations on the fees paid to directorsand the allocation of those fees to directors.In performing its tasks, the Committee conforms to there<strong>com</strong>mendations of the Belgian Code of corporate governanceand the French Companies Code, and in particular tothe re<strong>com</strong>mendations of the AFEP (Association française desentreprises privées) and MEDEF (Mouvement des entreprisesde France) on the <strong>com</strong>pensation of executives, social representativesof listed <strong>com</strong>panies in France.Regarding appointmentThe Appointment Committee prepares decisions for theBoard of Directors relating to:• proposals for the appointment and renewal of the mandateof directors made by the Board to the Shareholders’ Meeting,as well as proposals for the co-opting of directors;• determining the independence criteria enabling a directorto be described as “independent”;• qualification of an existing or new member of the Board ofDirectors as an independent director;• appointment of members of the specialist <strong>com</strong>mittees ofthe Board of Directors and their chairmen;• appointment and renewal of the mandate of the Chief ExecutiveOfficer;• appointment and renewal of the mandate of the Chairmanof the Board;• proposals from the Chief Executive Officer concerning the<strong>com</strong>position, organisation and operating mode of the ManagementBoard of <strong>Dexia</strong> SA;• amendments to the internal rules of the Board ofDirectors.For these purposes, the Committee is responsible for monitoringprocedures adopted by major listed <strong>com</strong>panies in termsof <strong>com</strong>position and operation of Boards of Directors.Operation and activities during the <strong>2009</strong> financialyearThe Appointment and Compensation Committee met seventimes in <strong>2009</strong>, dealing in particular with the followingsubjects:• the qualification of independent directors;• the <strong>com</strong>position of the Board of Directors;• the <strong>com</strong>position of the specialist <strong>com</strong>mittees;• amendments to the internal rules of the Board of Directors,the Accounts Committee and the Internal Control, Risks andConformity Committee;• the pension plan for certain executives;• the departure indemnities of certain former executives;• the policy regarding <strong>com</strong>pensation to directors;• the policy regarding <strong>com</strong>pensation of market professionalsand fund managers in asset management;• the variable <strong>com</strong>pensation in 2008 to members of theManagement Board and the Executive Committee;• the re<strong>com</strong>mendations of the AFEP/MEDEF;• the text of the annual <strong>report</strong> concerning <strong>com</strong>pensation tomembers of the Management Board;• the entry into force of the new Belgian Code of corporategovernance.Presence of each individual director at meetingsof the Appointment and CompensationCommitteeThe individual attendance rate of directors at meetings ofthis <strong>com</strong>mittee was 100% in <strong>2009</strong>, except for Augustin deRomanet de Beaune whose attendance rate was 71%.Management <strong>report</strong>Consolidatedfinancial statements<strong>Annual</strong> financial statementsAdditional information(1) Christian Gia<strong>com</strong>otto was appointed as a member of the Appointmentand Compensation Committee on 1 July <strong>2009</strong>, replacing Denis Kessler.<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>report</strong> <strong>2009</strong> <strong>Dexia</strong> 37

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