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CHAN 3119 BOOK.qxd 20/9/06 12:00 pm Page 16National College of Opera in Stockholm. Shehas been a finalist of the Cardiff Singer of theWorld and winner of the Placido DomingoCompetitions.In 1995 she joined the Cologne Operawhere roles included Pamina (Die Zauberflöte),the Countess (Le nozze di Figaro), Mimì (LaBohème) and Agathe (Der Freischütz). She hasmade guest appearances at De Vlaamse Operaas Elisabeth (Tannhäuser); in Hamburg asFreia and Gutrune in Wagner’s Ring cycle; inGöteborg as Tosca; in Dresden as the Countess(Le nozze di Figaro); Katerina (Greek Passion)at the Bregenz Festival; as Sister Angelica(Il trittico) in Cologne as well as in the role ofElsa (Lohengrin) in Basel.Other highlights include Senta at theMetropolitan Opera, the Wiener Staatsoperand at the Vlaamse Opera; Marguerite (Faust)and Elisabeth (Tannhäuser) at the SavonlinnaFestival; Manon Lescaut at English NationalOpera; Tatjana (Eugene Onegin) at La Monnaiein Brussels; Katerina (Lady Macbeth of Mzensk)at the Geneva Opera; Sieglinde (Die Walküre)in Cologne, Nyssia (König Kandaules) at theSalzburg Festival; Isolde (Tristan und Isolde) atthe Glyndebourne Festival and the RoyalOpera in Stockholm; the Marschallin(Der Rosenkavalier) at the Göteborg Opera,and Marie (Wozzeck) at the Opéra National deLyon .Concert appearances include Beethoven’sNinth Symphony, Strauss’ Four Last Songs, andthe final scene from Strauss’ Capriccio, withconductors such as Roberto Abbado andAntonio Pappano.Illinois-born bass EricHalfvarson singsregularly with theworld’s mostprestigious operacompanies andsymphony orchestras.His formidableinterpretations of suchvaried and demandingroles such as Baron Ochs (Der Rosenkavalier),Hagen (Götterdämmerung), Claggart (BillyBudd ), Sarastro (Die Zauberflöte), King Philipand the Inquisitor (Don Carlos), Heinrich(Lohengrin), Hunding (Die Walküre) andMephistopheles (Faust) have been seen withsuch companies as the Opéra de Paris-Bastille,the Bayreuth Festival, The Royal Opera, theMetropolitan Opera in New York, Lyric Operaof Chicago, the Canadian Opera, La Fenice inVenice, Teatro Liceu in Barcelona, theBavarian State Opera in Munich, the ViennaStaatsoper, and the Teatro Colón in BuenosAires, as well as the opera companies of SanFrancisco, Dallas, Houston, Santa Fe andWashington.He has appeared in concert with theChicago Symphony, San Francisco Symphony,St Louis Symphony, National Symphony,Houston Symphony, Boston Symphony, theMinnesota Orchestra, the LondonPhilharmonic Orchestra, the Halle Orchestra,at Amsterdam’s Concertgebouw and theEdinburgh Festival, as well as with orchestrasin Paris, Seville and Valencia.Eric Halfvarson’s recordings include DonCarlos, Billy Budd, Shostakovich’s Rayok, andBarber’s Antony and Cleopatra.Dublin-born PatriciaBardon studied withDr Veronica Dunne atthe College of Music,and came toprominence as theyoungest ever prizewinnerin the CardiffSinger of the WorldCompetition. Sincethen, she has becomeestablished as a leading international operaticand concert artist.Her many operatic appearances include thetitle role in Tancredi and Arsace (Semiramide)at La Fenice in Venice; the title role in Carmenat the Hamburg Staatsoper, Welsh NationalOpera and Scottish Opera; the title role inLa Cenerentola at La Monnaie and Lausanne;the title role in Orlando in New York, Paris,Lyon, and Antwerp; Penelope (Il ritornod’Ulisse in patria) at the Maggio Musicale andin Athens; Cornelia (Giulio Caesare) andAmastris (Serse) at the Munich Staatsoper,Dresden and Montpellier; Anna (Les Troyens)at the Maggio Musicale; Smeton (AnnaBolena) in San Francisco; the title role inTamerlano in Beaune; Ursule (Beatrice andBenedict) in Amsterdam and for WelshNational Opera; Ruggiero (Alcina) inMontpellier; Bradamante (Alcina) inDrottningholm; Rosmira (Partenope) withChicago Lyric Opera; roles in Guillaume Tell,Mosè in Egitto, Rigoletto, Mephistofele, andLa fanciulla del West at The Royal Opera, aswell as numerous roles for Opera North,Welsh National Opera, and Glyndebourne.Patricia Bardon has an extensive and diverseconcert repertoire working with many of themajor orchestras in venues such as the Lincoln1617

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