Analyst Software Reference Guide - AB Sciex

Analyst Software Reference Guide - AB Sciex

Analyst Software Reference Guide - AB Sciex

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Terms and ConceptsTable 1-16 DAD FieldsFieldAnalyte Peak Area for DADAnalyte Peak Height for DADAnalyte Wavelength RangesIS Peak Area for DADIS Wavelength RangesIS Peak Height for DADDefinitionThe area of the analyte peak (mAU/min).The height of the analyte peak (mAu).The range of wavelengths (nm).The area of the internal standard peak (mAU/min).The range of wavelengths (nm).The height of the internal standard peak (mAU)Calculated Concentration for DAD.Table 1-17 shows the fields that can be added to the Results Table for data acquired by an ADC(analog-to-digital converter).Table 1-17 ADC FieldsFieldAnalyte ChannelAnalyte Wavelength RangesIS ChannelIS Wavelength RangesDefinitionThe ADC channel from which the analyte was acquired.The range of wavelengths (nm).The ADC channel from which the internal standard wasacquired.The range of wavelengths (nm).ScriptsResearch-grade scripts are available to extend the functionality of the <strong>Analyst</strong> ® software. Somescripts are installed automatically with the <strong>Analyst</strong> software. The remaining scripts can beinstalled individually. For more information, see the Scripts User <strong>Guide</strong> for the <strong>Analyst</strong> software.Signal-to-Noise RatioThe signal-to-noise ratio is the peak height divided by the noise.To calculate the noise, the software uses the standard deviation (using a mean of zero) of all datapoints in the chromatogram from the Background Start to Background End time (both shown inthe advanced parameters for the Quantitation Method Editor and Peak Review window.) Thesetimes are set when you define a new background range.If you build a method without defining a new background range (which is possible if you acceptthe default integration with no changes), then the value for both Background Start andBackground End is N/A. As a result, the signal-to-noise ratio is not calculated and thecorresponding field in the Results Table reads N/A.48 Release Date: August 2011

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