výroční zpráva 2009 ( 4,12 MB ) - Zoo Ostrava

výroční zpráva 2009 ( 4,12 MB ) - Zoo Ostrava

výroční zpráva 2009 ( 4,12 MB ) - Zoo Ostrava

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where the animals have been housed so far, to essentially improve their living conditions. Once in the naturaloutdoor enclosure, the animals will be held in a situation, which will be very similar to their habitat in thewild. The existing natural ground in the exhibit will be maintained as is including the water stream andsmall lake. There is a forest with fully grown trees stretching almost across the enclosure. The ground assuch is very rugged, which will provide the animals with almost unlimited opportunities to exercise theirmoving skills. The zoo visitors will have the opportunity to see the animals ranging in the natural habitat,using trees and the forest stand as well as the lake. To make the animal watching more comfortable, thefacilities include five viewing platforms with different types of architectural design and an unusual type ofaccess in form of a wooden bridge added in some of them. The expanses of water integrated into the cascadeof lakes with streaming water forming fast-moving streams and waterfalls will become another componentrefreshing the exhibit. The same applies to the central viewing platform to contain two large-sized freshwateraquariums presenting the world of water to visitors, with an outdoor enclosure for Asian small-clawed ottersand binturongs including an outdoor pool that the visitor will see before entering the platform. The area iscomplete with the children’s playground containing components for the kids to play with and have some fun,and the much-needed social facility including toilets for physically challenged persons. In addition to theexhibit and related facilities, this extensive project also involves necessary mains and service lines, includingdrinking and service water, power and communication installations, sewerage, wastewater plant and watermanagement system, vast landscaping and gardening work as well as outdoor lighting. The construction ofthis up-to-the-minute housing and display facility is sure to increase the zoo’s attractiveness, while providingthe visitors with the opportunity of watching the animals in their natural habitat.Thanks to the financial contributions of donors, such as the CEZ Foundation's support amounting 150,000CZK, but also the 559 thousand korunas raised through a public money collection, the zoo could launch in<strong>2009</strong> the implementation of the capital project called Papua. By redesigning existing premises, four exhibitswill be developed to depict the tropical natural environment of Papua-New Guinea employing aquariums anda system of small lakes and presenting several threatened animal species, namely members of reptiles andfish, with total estimated construction costs of 2,215 thousand CZK.In the late <strong>2009</strong>, the Construction of sea eagle and golden eagle aviaries project was finished. Tomake this project real, funds were raised within the Operational Programme Cross Border Cooperation CzechRepublic-Slovakia scheme as part of the Returning the Golden Eagle to the Mountains of MoravskoslezskeBeskydy project, with total expenses including design work amounting to 2,024 thousand CZK. The workwas co-funded by the Statutory City of <strong>Ostrava</strong> extending 285.5 thousand CZK for development of the projectdocumentation and providing means amounting to 1,765 thousand CZK to pre-fund the construction workas such.A capital project named Rebuilding the Children's <strong>Zoo</strong> was launched in October <strong>2009</strong> with the aim toadd attractiveness to the central part of the zoo grounds, as the long-term state of disrepair of the existingfacility required immediate solution. Within the project implementation phase, the children's zoo is to beexpanded with new attractive forms of domestic animals added, like several breeds of cattle, diverse rabbitbreeds and domestic pigs. The project will also involve a farm building with visitor access, water and powersupply, sewerage, play components for kids, park furniture and extensive landscaping and gardening work.24

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