výroční zpráva 2009 ( 4,12 MB ) - Zoo Ostrava

výroční zpráva 2009 ( 4,12 MB ) - Zoo Ostrava

výroční zpráva 2009 ( 4,12 MB ) - Zoo Ostrava

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• Development of the building approval dossier for the works named Biogas Plant Construction wasfinished, with total costs amounting to 1,362 thousand CZK. The institutions participating on the fundingincluded the Statutory City of <strong>Ostrava</strong> (333 thousand) and the Regional Office of the Moravian-SilesianRegion (999 thousand), the balance of 30 thousand CZK was covered from the zoo resources. At the sametime, an application for funding from the OPE was developed and filed. The biogas plant will chieflyprovide a means of disposal of the biological waste produced by the animals as well as waste vegetationgenerated as part of operation and maintenance of the vast zoo area. The project is sure to have positiveeffects on improving the zoo’s economy, be it the revenues from supplying green energy into the grid ofCEZ (power supplier) or using the waste heat produced for heating specific facilities throughout the zoo.Potential self-sufficiency of the zoo, at least to some extent, in the case of total failure of power supply isanother essential aspect to consider, as unlike other types of institutions, evacuation in the zoo situationwould be largely impossible for most of the animals held, so consequences of any blackout status would bevery dramatic.• Development of the site planning documentation for the works named the House of Evolution wasbrought to completion, with the processing costs covered through the capital grant provided by SCO, whichamounted to CZK 809.5 thousand including VAT. The project is to convert the old aquatic bird house toa state-of-the-art exhibit for chimpanzees and other African species designed as a combined interactivelearning exhibit and animal breeding centre. During 2008, this operation was included into the IntegratedDevelopment Plan of <strong>Ostrava</strong> City (IDPOC).• The development phase of the Mud removal and rearrangements - pond #4 project was finished.75% of the costs reaching CZK 116 thousand including VAT were funded from the grant successfullyreceived from Moravian-Silesian Region and balanced from the zoo resources. Under this project, mudwill be removed, eroded banks and the dyke restored and new islands and semi islands set up to serve asexhibits for primates and pelicans, the latter being a species new to the zoo. In addition, endangered localwildlife species will benefit from this project thanks to the littoral zone to be developed in the part of thepond. An application seeking funding from OPE was already submitted.• A project development phase of the capital projects named the Papua Aviary and Education centre:thermal insulation and energy savings was launched. Following the Papua Exhibit (now underdevelopment), the Papua Aviary will be adjoining the existing education and training centre in the heart ofthe zoo next to the primate house. Designed as a walk-through exhibit, the aviary is to introduce mediumsizedparrot species to the visitor, bringing the birds and humans into immediate contacts. The other projectconcerns the existing education and training facility of the zoo, which also serves as a place of contact withthe general public. Finished and finally approved in 1979 and still heated by electricity, this building showsgreat loss of heat. For instance, the loss of heat through the opaque building envelope makes 33.1%, whilefillings of the openings, i.e. windows, are responsible for as much as 26.9% of the entire heat loss accordingto the energy audit produced.Thanks to the financial support from SCO exceeding CZK 11 million, the next project development phase couldbe started for each of the four projects mentioned below, this making further efforts to get funding fromexternal sources (namely the EU funds) possible. The projects can be outlined as follows:27

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