výroční zpráva 2009 ( 4,12 MB ) - Zoo Ostrava

výroční zpráva 2009 ( 4,12 MB ) - Zoo Ostrava

výroční zpráva 2009 ( 4,12 MB ) - Zoo Ostrava

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<strong>Ostrava</strong> <strong>Zoo</strong> – the Safari ExhibitThe development period for the project documentation funded by the SCO’s grant is <strong>2009</strong> and 2010, with costsamounting to CZK 2,356 thousand including VAT as determined based on the public tender. The intention isto develop a safari exhibit, a vast fenced outdoor enclosure with free-ranging animals. This will be a ridethrougharea with visitors allowed to observe the animals, while keeping as close contact as possible withthe creatures, getting the sense of moving in an open natural area amidst exotic wildlife that can be watchedin its natural habitat and very close to the people. This kind of presenting the animals in zoos is somethinghighly attractive, making the visitors able to move throughout the open grounds and eliminating the negativefeelings caused by fenced exhibits. In the course of 2008, this project was included into IDPOC, while in <strong>2009</strong>,the zone planning design documentation was developed.<strong>Ostrava</strong> <strong>Zoo</strong> – the Penguin and Seal ExhibitThe development period for the project documentation funded by the SCO’s grant is <strong>2009</strong> and 2010, withfull-range design development costs estimated to range from CZK 3.5 to 3.8 million including VAT. The finalprice will be specified based on a public tender. The new exhibit is to replace the existing old bear facility,which is a huge concrete prison-like cell made in 1960, located in the middle of the zoo. The structure failedto comply with modern animal husbandry standards already a long time ago. The service life of the old bearfacility as such has already expired and any investments except in terms of personal and animal safety wouldbe ineffective. As this structure is fully outdated from ethical and technical aspects, only a demolition issomething that makes sense. The planned penguin and seal exhibit will present a mixed exhibit of thesespectacular animals that have always attracted zoo visitors’ attention regardless of age and social backgroundfor their behaviour and activity. These animals can be seen in most of zoos, and their exhibits are amongstthose much-sought.<strong>Ostrava</strong> <strong>Zoo</strong> – the Tiger ExhibitThe development period for the project documentation funded by the SCO’s grant is <strong>2009</strong> and 2010, withcosts determined through the public tender amounting to CZK 1,216 thousand including VAT. The existingtiger enclosure is a small iron cage. Designed in the spirit of the 1960s, this facility is not only outdated andbeyond any cultural standards, but even fails to comply with the recent animal housing concepts in terms ofhusbandry and welfare. The structure has failed to meet even basic tiger housing standards. What's more,with increasingly stricter requirements for holding animals in captivity, <strong>Ostrava</strong> <strong>Zoo</strong> is sure to finish its tigercollection within several years without developing an up-to-date breeding facility, as no established zooinstitution would permit relocating its animals to any sub-standard housing conditions. Therefore, clearingthis old facility and constructing a new one will be the only alternative. Compared to the existing status, thenew tiger exhibit has been designed as a structure fully integrated into the natural landscape, with minimumrequirements to build anything above the ground level. Such solutions provide the visitors with the possibilityof viewing the animals in their normal habitat: a broad-leaved forest with fully grown trees consisting mainlyof birch-trees similarly as in the tiger’s range countries. In <strong>2009</strong>, the building permit design documentationwas finished for the exhibit.28

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