3. PPECB Annual Report 2009-2010

3. PPECB Annual Report 2009-2010

3. PPECB Annual Report 2009-2010


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197819791981198219831986198819891990199119941997199820002001Cartons replace wooden boxes for grape exports.A composite carton for peaches and nectarines isintroduced.A label for export grape bunches is introduced.Exports reach 24 million cases.The <strong>PPECB</strong> commercialises.<strong>PPECB</strong> advises the South African Defence Force onthe transportation of their food.Late harvest grapes exported for the first timeand several new local grape varieties are alsocommercially exported.Official opening of the <strong>PPECB</strong>’s new Head Officebuilding in Plattekloof, near Cape Town.All Cape fruit is subjected to quality evaluation.Government rules that the <strong>PPECB</strong> must take overthe quality inspection function from the Directorateof the Agricultural Product Standards.<strong>PPECB</strong> obtains a building in Grabouw, and afterrenovation turns it into a Regional Office and trainingcentre.Deregulation of the fruit industry causes chaos inthe export market.A meeting is held between <strong>PPECB</strong> and theConference Lines at Lanzerac Wine Estate inStellenbosch, where the SAECS contract is rescindedwith immediate effect.A new <strong>PPECB</strong> Board is appointed.<strong>PPECB</strong> achieves ISO 9001: 2000 certification andbecomes the first SA service provider to receivepreliminary EUREPGAP accreditation. <strong>PPECB</strong>celebrates 75 years of service to South Africa’sPerishable Products Export Industries.2002200320042005200620072008<strong>2009</strong><strong>2010</strong>DAFF appointed <strong>PPECB</strong> as the assignee, to inspectdried fruit.The EU 1148 accreditation for <strong>PPECB</strong> inspectionsystems was received.Sector Programme Management was introduced,the aim being to get closer to the stakeholderneeds. The Official Food Safety Mandate wasreceived from DAFF.A successful donor-funded project, South AfricanPesticide Initiative Programme (SAPIP I), was hostedwithin <strong>PPECB</strong> for a period of 3 years.A differentiated Levy Structure was introduced formain products.<strong>PPECB</strong> was successfully audited by The Foodand Veterinary Office (FVO) on pesticide residuesin food stuffs.The new <strong>PPECB</strong> Board is appointed.New CEO, Mr Luvuyo Mabombo, was appointed.<strong>PPECB</strong> enters into the first agreement with theNational Agricultural Marketing Council (NAMC)to assist low income farmers to access local andinternational markets.The Harmonization Programme, focusing onconsistency in the execution of mandated functionalactivities, was approved by the <strong>PPECB</strong> Board.<strong>PPECB</strong>, together with UNECE and DAFF hosted anInternational Harmonization Workshop oncommercial quality standards for fresh fruit andvegetables for African countries. A total of 109delegates from 18 African countries were inattendance.<strong>PPECB</strong> entered into an agreement with The EgyptianHorticultural Export Improvement Association (HEIA)and the Industrial Modernisation Centre (IMC), toassist HEIA in establishing a premium brand for theexport of Egyptian Horticultural produce.<strong>PPECB</strong> | annual report | <strong>2009</strong> - <strong>2010</strong> 11

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