3. PPECB Annual Report 2009-2010

3. PPECB Annual Report 2009-2010

3. PPECB Annual Report 2009-2010


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measurement frameworkThese strategic themes were carefully selected and provide the outline for sustainable reporting, as well as strategic initiatives.1. Enhance the credibilityof South African ExportCertificate.2. Support the exportcompetitiveness of SouthAfrica’s Perishable ProductsIndustries.5. Support Governmentin building systems toensure compliance withSouth African quality andfood safety standards forimported perishableproducts.4. SupportGovernment inensuring confidence inquality assurance andfood safety systems forlocal perishable productsmarkets.<strong>3.</strong> Strengthen <strong>PPECB</strong>’scapacity as a crediblesource of Strategicinformation for servingIndustries andStakeholders.the green uhambo projectObjectivesTo contribute to greening, limiting <strong>PPECB</strong>’s carbon footprint and in doing so support actions to enhance the environment andto be seen as a partner in food security in this long term journey (UHAMBO) that lies ahead.ActionsThe following actions were undertaken:Team members are to investigate and report on savinginitiatives of their departments.<strong>PPECB</strong> solutions are to be communicated to HQ andthe Regions as a directive.The project should form part of the sustainability reportin the annual report.An external audit of our carbon footprint.An awareness campaign on improving our greencontribution.Fact finding (Km, electricity, miles flown and paperusage).Identify the baseline on <strong>2009</strong> statistics.Design of the template forms, on which Regions mustreport.Planned: Regular audits – as part of BMS system.Identify external body – should we decide to donatemoney on green project of choice, and in doing socontribute towards our carbon footprint.<strong>PPECB</strong> | annual report | <strong>2009</strong> - <strong>2010</strong> 37

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