3. PPECB Annual Report 2009-2010

3. PPECB Annual Report 2009-2010

3. PPECB Annual Report 2009-2010


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RiskNo.Risk Cause ResponseRiskCategoryResidualRiskExposure3 <strong>PPECB</strong>’soperational modelis designed toensure theeffective andefficient delivery ofcore functions.- All critical business processeshave not been published inpolicies and procedures.- National resource planningensures effective and efficientdelivery of core business.- Evaluation by HarmonizationProgramme (SOP) supporteffective and efficient deliveryof services (Including specificCBS training interventions).- ISO17020 certification in process.The document review for theprocess will be implemented.- Operational roll out of updateprocedures (in alignment withISO 17020)- Harmonization implementedon all main products excluding subtropicalproducts. Partial implementationin Cold Chain Services.Operational56%4 Impact of externalinfluences /environment onfinancial results of<strong>PPECB</strong>.- Changes in volumes couldlead to costs not recovered,financial losses.- Climatic influence onvolumes resulting in loss ofbusiness.- Global warming.- Carbon footprint.- Climatic conditions.- Floods, rain, drought, hailstorms, etc.- Worldwide recession.- Land claims on commercialfarm land may result inreduced production andexport.- Water quality.- Political Influence.- Water footprint.- Illegal exports.- Continuous environmental scanas part of the strategicmanagement process.- Volumes are re-estimated ona bi-annual basis.- Reserves are maintained tosustain operations in case offinancial distress.- Monthly Debtors ManagementMeeting.- Operations monitor volumesand performance of activitypoints and compare resultsto previous years.- Established an Academy toprovide training in GAP toemerging farmers.- Carbon footprint project hasstarted. A committee dealingwith the reduction of <strong>PPECB</strong>'scarbon footprint has been formed.- Conducting an analysis of theimpact of land claims on ourbusiness.- <strong>PPECB</strong> reported illegal exportsto DAFF and have an interimarrangements in place.Sustainability56%5 The SA perishableproduct industryhas sufficientcapacity and skillsavailable toimprove SA'sglobalcompetitiveness.- <strong>PPECB</strong>'s second objective isto support the exportcompetitiveness of the SAperishable products industrieswithin its mandate.- <strong>PPECB</strong> is unable to fulfill therole due to lack in resourcesand funding.- Insufficient plans to identifyopportunities.- Insufficient external skills.- Project team needs to determinefocus areas, priorities, resourceneeds and implementation actions.- Programme needs to beharmonized with ISO 17020and the AETP programme.- Source funding opportunities.- New R&D strategy in development.- Establish a Training Academyto transfer skills.- Capacity building initiativeimplemented with JohannesburgMarket.- MOU development for mediumto long term synergies whichinclude broader capacity building.- Capacity building initiativewith Egypt under development.Strategic28%<strong>PPECB</strong> | annual report | <strong>2009</strong> - <strong>2010</strong> 57

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