3. PPECB Annual Report 2009-2010

3. PPECB Annual Report 2009-2010

3. PPECB Annual Report 2009-2010


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eport by thechief executive officerLuvuyo Mabombo“IN PURSUIT OF SUPERIOR PERFORMANCEIN A COMPETITIVE WORLD”Making judgement on the suitability of a client’s perishableexport consignment, the appropriateness of Cold Chainparaphernalia and the carrying temperature regime for freshproduce and other perishables is a critical responsibility thePerishable Product Export Control Board. We do all of thiswork mindful of our task to facilitate order and efficiency inthe perishable products export chain. We equally do thiswork focused on supporting South Africa’s competitivenessin the global trade in fresh produce. As a regulator for thequality of fresh produce exported from our country, weinfluence the day-to-day South African fresh produceconsumption decisions of the overseas consumers as well asthe decisions of the local producers of fresh fruit and vegetables.This is the ultimate impact our day-to-day work has.The <strong>2009</strong>/10 Financial Year was yet another historic year atthe <strong>PPECB</strong>, with the business having posted positive financialresults in the midst of a challenging global recession. Wehave done this through careful management of our costs,whilst working on increasing efficiency of our resources, inparticular our people, who are the most important resourcethat this organisation has. We continue to strive for brandvisibility in corners where the brand has not been seen before.<strong>PPECB</strong> also continues to play a significant role in the country’s“Food Control System” for regulated agricultural productsdestined for exports; all in pursuit of being “a Partner inGlobal Competitiveness of South African Perishable Products”.STRATEGY HIGHLIGHTSOur Strategic Plan <strong>2009</strong>-13 formed the basis for all servicedelivery achievements that the business obtained. In linewith our strategic objectives, we successfully hosted aninaugural International Harmonization Workshop onCommercial Quality Standards for Fresh Fruit and Vegetablesfor Countries of Africa in partnership with the UNECE. Thesuccess of this workshop has opened opportunities for the<strong>PPECB</strong> to assist in capacitating other African countries onquality standards for fresh fruit and vegetables, which arekey for global trade in fresh produce.Some of the year’s highlights include:Full roll-out of our Harmonization Program for thecompetency of our inspectors. This program will go along way in supporting our ISO 17020 accreditationas an Inspection Body.Consolidate and fast-track the Electronic DataInterchange project.Initiate a <strong>PPECB</strong> Training Academy.Assist Government in benchmarking a South AfricanFood Safety System against globally recognised goodagricultural practice.We have realised these successes only because of ourunwavering commitment in reversing some of the mindsetwe had in the past, that of following a strategic directiondictated to us by the outside world.OPERATING PERFORMANCEBased on performance targets the business had set itself,we have more than achieved our own expectations.Achievement would have been more than what is reportedhad our legislative enabling environment allowed the businessto. Detail of the financial results equally reflects a positiveoutcome for an organisation exposed to challenges ofinternational trading trends and global recession. The businesswill ensure that, in future, it utilises its accumulated reservesto invest in sustaining the business well into the future.Management of the <strong>PPECB</strong>, yet again commits itself tobuilding a world class organisation, worthy of the SouthAfrican brand it represents around the world. Withprofessionalism, our integrity will stand the test of times.Luvuyo MabomboChief Executive Officer

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