3. PPECB Annual Report 2009-2010

3. PPECB Annual Report 2009-2010

3. PPECB Annual Report 2009-2010


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In this area, a major breakthrough was achieved when thisBoard was finally able to conclude a long term debateinvolving the provision of Value Added Services, requestedtime and again by our clients and an area which we believeis critical to <strong>PPECB</strong>’s strategic objectives. This debate wascurrent at the commencement of our term and myunderstanding was that it had been constantly debatedthroughout the term of a number of previous Boards.I believe, in respect to the implementation of the strategy,that the <strong>PPECB</strong>’s Executive has worked extremely hard toensure that all annual objectives are being achieved.Unfortunately, there is the fact that often their efforts arehampered because of blockages experienced by non-deliveryof other critical stakeholders.Corporate GovernanceA key issue for the Board is corporate governance, and isespecially difficult given the nature and makeup of the <strong>PPECB</strong>Board as mandated under the Act, i.e. the fact that Boardappointees are nominated from the client base despite beingappointed by the Minister. Under the King III recommendationson corporate governance, the question of whether or notthere are enough independent Directors is questionable.However, until the Act is reviewed and this issue given seriousobjective consideration, it may continue to be an issue.In this context, I am pleased to report that I believe that thisBoard has taken giant leaps forward to bring maturity to thedischarging of its duties in respect to the member’s obligationsto the company and shareholder, whilst being directly linkedto the client base of the company.The Board has introduced an independent annual reviewboth as a team as well as individuals and has spent timein ensuring that the members of the Board have a fullunderstanding of governance issues. It has also reviewed itscharters for the Board, the Audit and the HR Committeesto ensure compliance to corporate governance within theKing III report.FinanceThis area will be covered in more depth by the report of theAudit Committee Chairperson, however, I wish to commendthe Chair on his leadership as well as the CEO and the CFOfor attaining unqualified audits for the past few years.Human ResourcesThis area will also be covered in more depth by the HRExecutive’s report and, as previous, I wish to thank theChairperson of the HR Committee for his leadership in anarea which needed a great deal of change from thecommencement of the Board’s term. As <strong>PPECB</strong>’s services aredelivered by its people, who are of a higher skills level thanin many other companies, it is critical that this function isgiven the same consideration as that of the finance function.I am pleased to report that there have now been a proliferationof well thought out initiatives in this area, which I believewill ensure that the company has, as is reasonably possible,a satisfied work force. A special mention and thanks mustbe given to the HR Executive who has tirelessly pursued thewell-being of our employees.Employment Equity has been a particular challenge but theExecutives have made great strides in this area. The processhas, of course, not been without its casualties but these arebeing managed and the demographic profile of the companyhas changed significantly over the past 2 years.ConclusionReflecting on the past 3 years, being a member andChairperson of the <strong>PPECB</strong> Board has been a personallysatisfying experience. It has often been extremely challengingand much hard work but I would not have missed it.On behalf of my Board, I want to thank the Minister ofAgriculture, Forestry and Fisheries for her confidence inextending our term and allowing us to continue whilst theappointment of the new Board was finalised. I also want tothank my fellow Board members for their confidence inappointing me as Chairperson and giving me the privilegeof guiding an entity critical to the export competitiveness ofSouth Africa’s perishable produce.Finally, on behalf of the <strong>PPECB</strong> Board, I would like to thankthe <strong>PPECB</strong> Executives for their continued commitment tothe implementation of the company’s strategy and for a jobwell done. I would like to mention and recognise the <strong>PPECB</strong>employees and their commitment to servicing our clients inoften difficult circumstances and far flung locations for,without them, we would not have been able to have achievedmuch of what we did.Elaine AlexanderChairperson<strong>PPECB</strong> | annual report | <strong>2009</strong> - <strong>2010</strong> 17

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