European Applied Sciences #1 – 2013 Europäische Fachhochschule

European Applied Sciences #1 – 2013 Europäische Fachhochschule

European Applied Sciences #1 – 2013 Europäische Fachhochschule


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Section 1. Philology and linguistics217. Литература и язык. Современная иллюстрированная энциклопедия [Электронный ресурс]/П. А. Николаев, М. В. Строганов.–Режим доступа: http://interpretive.ru/dictionary/966/word/priklyuchencheskaja-literatura. — Загл. с экрана.8. Моклиця М. Основи літературознавства. Посібник для студентів/М. Моклиця. — Тернопіль: Підручники і посібники, 2002. —192 с.Kovaliova Ekaterina Mikhailovna,College of Lugansk state Academi of culture and arts, teacher of EnglishКовалева Екатерина Михайловна,Колледж луганской государственной академии культуры и искусств, преподаватель английского языкаNon-traditional authorial methods of learning foreign languageНетрадиционные авторские методы изучения иностранного языкаNowadays learning a foreign language is more than ever important. At the time of information technologies knowing at least one foreignlanguage is one of the significant aspects for a contemporary man to be a success. It is simply obligatory and necessary for those who wish tobe in demand at the labor market and rise to eminence in their profession. A foreign language can also greatly contribute to personal growth.Appointments with business partners from other countries, trips abroad, travelling all over the globe and many other necessities makepeople learn foreign languages. The labor market currently causes people to learn such foreign languages as English, German, Spanish, French,and in some cases, even Arabic and Japanese 1 .Nevertheless, it is necessary to learn foreign languages not only to be in request at the labor market. There are also other important factors.What will we get by learning a foreign language?• Learning a foreign language allows substantially broadening our outlook and learning a lot about the culture of another country.• Thanks to learning foreign languages, a man obtains an excellent opportunity to get engrossed into a new world. They will also have achance to talk to people of various ethnic backgrounds, mindsets and ideologies.• Knowing a foreign language will let you have a rest in different countries without any problems 2 . You will manage to talk to the localpopulation without the aid of an interpreter.• By virtue of knowing a foreign language you will manage to make friends with foreigners and be fluent in their mother tongues.• Learning a foreign language will also let you train your memory, attention and ability to concentrate on your thoughts. These all skillsare pretentious.These days there is an extremely large number of ways to learn a foreign language. Every person willing to learn a language can choose theone most suitable for them. We conducted a research of the most popular authorial methods. These methods can really be suitable for peoplewho work twenty four hours per day and/or are exorbitantly occupied developing their own business 3 . These methods provide people with anopportunity to learn languages at their leisure.Denis Runov’s methodThis method was developed by the Russian psychologist Denis Runov. The author managed to create an original approach towards learninglanguages. He worked out unique ways of presenting new information as well as technologies of its provision and streamline. He also inventedthe methods of supporting memory and keeping new words in it. Thanks to the original approach, every man gets an opportunity to learn aforeign language at the highest level within just 8 months. It is necessary to point out that Denis Runov’s method of learning a foreign languagewas patented in the Russian Federation. Like other methods, Runov’s one can be used starting from 14 years of age.The process of learning itself is the formation of the information system. This is of course opportune to wait till your brain will collect thenecessary information on its own. Nevertheless it is easier to choose another way and recreate the already existing system. Make a long storyshort it is possible to combine the knowledge about the human’s brain capability to perceive and remember information with the attainmentsabout the human’s motivation system. By doing this it is possible to be a howling success. This is the basis of the motivation approach. Accordingto Runov, it is essential to present the language in the form which it really exists in the minds of its native speakers. This also relates to all otherdisciplines such as physics, chemistry, literature and others.Understanding something means subjecting the intellectual process to the detailed analysis, naming the basic mechanisms and algorithmsand presenting them to the students in a short, available and graphic form 4 . At that, the information people have previously considered volumetricshould be naturally shortened to such amounts which can be learnt by an ordinary man within quick terms. As the author of this theory says,the sense lies not in inventing how exactly it is necessary to learn but in lucidly and effectively presenting information to the students. Runov’slearning methods was created on the base of just this position. In this method the author tries to show how a language acts in native speaker’sconsciousness. This also relates to the process of learning grammar, vocabulary and even to the informal speech.R. Waelder’s methodThere is another interesting method of learning a foreign language. This is the synergetic method which was first used in linguisticsby the Austrian scientist Robert Waelder. This method lies in taking the effect of hypermnesia 5 into account. In the simplest terms thismethods includes the human’s memory ability to immediately fixate the perceived but not comprehended information at the level of verbaland phrasal impulses in combination with the emotional and sense bearing approach in the development of the ability to think literally and1 Гальскова Н. Д. Современная методика обучения иностранным языкам: Пособие для учителя. М.:АРКТИ, 2003, 192 с.2 Соловова Е. Н. Методика обучения иностранным языкам: базовый курс лекций: пособие для студентов пед. вузов и учителей. - 3‐е изд. - М.:Просвещение, 2005. - 239с.3 Лизенин С. М., Денисова Л. Г. Грамматика в курсе интенсивного обучения английскому языку в старших классах средней школы//Иностранныеязыки в школе.-1992. № 5. С. 16–174 Рунов Д. К. Английский язык. Книга о словах PDF. СПб.: КАРО, 2008. - 188 с5 http://psychology.net.ru/dictionaries/psy.html?word=191

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