HTC S710 English User Manual.pdf - Mike Channon

HTC S710 English User Manual.pdf - Mike Channon

HTC S710 English User Manual.pdf - Mike Channon


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104 Working with Company E-mails and Meeting Appointments4. Select Encrypt messages to protect your e-mails from being viewedexcept by the intended recipients. Select Sign messages so thatrecipients are certain that e-mails are sent by you and have not beenaltered.5. Click Menu > Choose Certificate to select a certificate for signing orencrypting outgoing e-mail messages.Set permissions on an e-mail messageAnother way of protecting your e-mail messages is to send messages withrestricted permissions using Information Rights Management (IRM).RequirementTipThis works only with a Microsoft Outlook e-mail accountand if your company is using RMS Server SP1.1. Click Start > Messaging > Outlook E-mail.2. Create a message, then click Menu > Message Options.3. In Permissions, do one of the following:• To allow anyone to read the message, select Unrestricted Access.• To prevent the message from being forwarded, printed, or copied,select Do Not Forward.4. Click Done.An IRM-protected message received on your phone can only be replied to orforwarded if the message permits it.

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