Surah 1-2 - YasSarNal QuR'aN

Surah 1-2 - YasSarNal QuR'aN

Surah 1-2 - YasSarNal QuR'aN


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(((33Your God is the One God: there is nodeity but He, the Compassionate, theMerciful. (163)uθèδωÎ)tμ≈ s9Î)HωÓ‰Ïn≡ uρ ×μ≈s9Î) ö/ä3ßγ≈s9Î) uρ∩⊇∉⊂∪ ÞΟŠÏm§9 $# ß⎯≈ yϑôm§9 $#In the creation of the heavens and the earth;in the alternation of night and day; in thevessels that sail through the sea with whatis useful for mankind; in the water Godsends down from the sky giving life to theearth after it had been lifeless, causing allmanner of living creatures to multiply on it;in the movement of the winds, and theclouds that run their courses between skyand earth: in all this there are signs forpeople who use their reason. (164)Yet there are people who worship beingsother than God, giving them a status equalto His, loving them as God alone should beloved; whereas the believers love God morethan all else. If the unbelievers could butsee, as see they will when they are made tosuffer, that all might belongs to God alone,and that He is stern in retribution. (165)[On that day] those who were followed willdisown their followers and they all shall seetheir punishment, while all their ties aresevered. (166)The followers will say, ‘Would that we hadanother chance so that we can disown themas they have disowned us!’ Thus will Godshow them their works [in a way whichcauses them] bitter regrets. They shall nevercome out of the fire. (167)É#≈ n=ÏG÷z$# uρ ÇÚö‘ F{ $# uρ ÏN≡ uθ≈ yϑ¡9 $# È,ù=yz ’Îû ¨βÎ)’Îû “Ìøg rB ©ÉL©9 $# Å7ù=àø9 $# uρ Í‘$yγ¨Ψ9$# uρ È≅øŠ©9 $#z⎯ÏΒª!$#tΑ t“Ρr&!$tΒuρ}¨$¨Ζ9 $# ßì xΖtƒ $yϑÎ/ Ìóst7ø9 $#y‰÷è t/uÚö‘ F{ $# ÏμÎ/ $uŠôm r'sù &!$¨Β ⎯ÏΒ Ï!$yϑ¡9 $#É#ƒÎóÇs? uρ 7π−/ !# yŠ Èe≅à2 ⎯ÏΒ $pκÏù £] t/ uρ $pκÌEöθtΒÏ!$yϑ¡¡9 $#t⎦÷⎫t/ ̤‚|¡ßϑø9 $# É>$ys¡9 $# uρ Ëx≈ tƒÌh9 $#∩⊇∉⊆∪ tβθè=É)÷ètƒ 5Θöθs)Ïj9 ;M≈ tƒUψ ÇÚö‘ F{ $# uρ«!$# Èβρߊ ⎯ÏΒ ä‹Ï‚−Gtƒ ⎯ tΒ Ä¨$¨Ζ9 $#š∅ÏΒuρ(#þθãΖtΒ# ut⎦⎪É‹©9 $# uρøŒÎ)(#þθãΚn=sßt⎦⎪Ï%©!$# “ttƒ öθs9 uρ«!$# Éb=ßsx. öΝåκ tΞθ6Ïtä† #YŠ#y‰Ρr&°! ${6ãm ‘‰x© r&¨βr& uρ $Yè‹Ïϑy_ ¬! nο§θà)ø9 $# ¨βr&z># x‹yèø9 $#tβ÷ρttƒ∩⊇∉∈∪ É># x‹ yèø9 $# ߉ƒÏ‰x© ©!$#(#θãèt7¨?$#š⎥⎪Ï%©!$#z⎯ÏΒ(#θãèÎ7›?$#t⎦⎪Ï%©!$#r&§t7 s? øŒÎ)Ü>$t7ó F{ $# ãΝÎγÎ/ ôMyè©Ü s) s? uρz># x‹yèø9 $#(#ãρr& u‘ uρ∩⊇∉∉∪r&§t6 oK oΨ sù Zο§x. $oΨ s9 χr& öθs9(#θãèt7¨?$#t⎦⎪Ï%©!$#tΑ$s%uρª!$# ÞΟÎγƒÌãƒy7Ï9≡ x‹x.Νèδ $tΒ uρ$¨ΖÏΒ(#ρâ§t7 s? $yϑx. öΝåκ÷]ÏΒöΝÍκö n=tæ BN≡ uy£ ym öΝßγ n=≈ yϑôãr&∩⊇∉∠∪ Í‘$¨Ψ9$#z⎯ÏΒt⎦⎫Å_Ì≈ y‚Î/170

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