Surah 1-2 - YasSarNal QuR'aN

Surah 1-2 - YasSarNal QuR'aN

Surah 1-2 - YasSarNal QuR'aN


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(3((4(43((3(13Worse Than MurderThey ask you what they should spend [incharity]. Say, ‘Anything good you spend ofyour wealth should go to parents and thenear of kin, to orphans and the needy, andto travellers in need. God is well aware ofwhatever good you do.’ (215)Fighting is ordained for you, even though itis hateful to you. But it may well be thatyou hate a thing while it is good for you,and it may well be that you love a thingwhile it is bad for you. God knows,whereas you do not know. (216)They ask you about fighting in the sacredmonth. Say, ‘Fighting in it is a graveoffence, but to turn people away from God’spath, to disbelieve in Him and in theSacred Mosque, and to expel its peoplefrom it — [all this] is far more grave inGod’s sight.’ Religious persecution is worsethan killing. They shall not cease to fightyou until they force you to renounce yourfaith, if they can. But whoever of yourenounces his faith and dies an unbeliever,his works shall come to nothing in thisworld and in the world to come. Suchpeople are destined for hell, wherein theyshall abide. (217)ΟçFø) xΡr&!$tΒ ö≅è%tβθà)ÏΖム# sŒ$tΒštΡθè=t↔ó¡o„4’ yϑ≈ tGuŠø9 $# uρt⎦⎫Î/ tø%F{ $# uρ È⎦ø⎪y‰Ï9≡ uθù=Î=sù 9ö yz ô⎯ÏiΒô⎯ÏΒ(#θè=yèø s? $tΒuρÈ≅‹Î6¡9 $# È⎦ø⌠ $# uρ È⎦⎫Å3≈ |¡pRùQ $# uρ∩⊄⊇∈∪ ÒΟŠÎ=tæ ⎯ÏμÎ/©!$# ¨βÎ* sù 9ö yzöΝä3©9 ×νöä.uθèδ uρ ãΑ$tFÉ)ø9 $# ãΝà6ø‹n=tæ|=ÏGä.öΝà6©9 ×ö yz uθèδuρ $\↔ø‹x© (#θèδtõ3s? βr&#©|¤tãuρöΝä3©9@Ÿ°uθèδuρ $\↔ø‹x©(#θ6Åsè? βr&#©|¤tãuρ∩⊄⊇∉∪ šχθßϑn=÷ès?Ÿω óΟçFΡr& uρ ãΝ n=÷ètƒª!$# uρÏμŠÏù 5Α$tFÏ% ÏΘ# tysø9 $# Ìöκ¤9 $# Ç⎯ tãy7tΡθè=t↔ó¡ o„«!$# È≅‹Î6 y ⎯ tã

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