Surah 1-2 - YasSarNal QuR'aN

Surah 1-2 - YasSarNal QuR'aN

Surah 1-2 - YasSarNal QuR'aN


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443(Mankind, eat of what is lawful andwholesome on earth and do not followSatan’s footsteps: he is indeed an openenemy for you. (168)Wξ≈ n=ym ÇÚö‘ F{ $# ’Îû $£ϑÏΒ(#θè=ä. â¨$¨Ζ9 $# $y㕃 r'¯≈ tƒ…çμ¯ΡÎ)Ç⎯≈ sÜø‹¤±9 $# ÏN≡ uθäÜäz (#θãèÎ6®K s?Ÿωuρ $Y7Íh‹sÛ∩⊇∉∇∪ î⎦⎫Î7•ΒAρ߉ tã öΝä3s9He enjoins you only to commit evil andindecency and to attribute to Godsomething of which you have no knowledge.(169)βr& uρÏ!$t±ósxø9 $# uρ Ïþθ¡9$Î/ Νä.ããΒù' tƒ $yϑ¯ΡÎ)∩⊇∉®∪ tβθßϑn=÷ès?Ÿω $tΒ«!$# ’ n?tã (#θä9θà) s?When it is said to them, ‘Follow what Godhas revealed’, they say, ‘No; but we willfollow only what we found our forefathersbelieving in.’ Why, even if their forefathersdid not use reason at all, and followed noguidance. (170)The unbelievers are like the one who shoutsto that which hears nothing but a call anda cry. Deaf, dumb and blind, theyunderstand nothing. (171)(#θä9$s%ª!$#tΑ t“Ρr&!$tΒ(#θãèÎ7®?$# ãΝßγ s9Ÿ≅ŠÏ% # sŒÎ) uρöθs9 uρr&!$tΡu!$t/#u Ïμø‹n=tã $uΖø‹xø9 r&!$tΒ ßìÎ6®K tΡ ö≅ t/Ÿωuρ $\↔ø‹x©šχθè=É)÷ètƒŸω öΝèδäτ!$t/#ušχ% x.∩⊇∠⊃∪ tβρ߉tGôγ tƒß,Ïè÷Ζtƒ “Ï%©!$# È≅ sV yϑx.(#ρãx Ÿ2 t⎦⎪Ï%©!$# ã≅ sV tΒuρíΝõ3ç/BΛ༠4 [!# y‰ÏΡ uρ [!$tãߊωÎ) ßì yϑó¡tƒŸω $oÿÏ3∩⊇∠⊇∪ tβθè=É)÷ètƒŸω óΟßγ sù Ò‘ôϑãBelievers, eat of the wholesome things Wehave provided for you, and give thanks toGod, if it is truly Him that you worship.(172)⎯ÏΒβÎ)(#θè=à2(#θãΖtΒ# uš⎥⎪Ï%©!$# $y㕃 r'¯≈ tƒ¬!(#ρãä3ô© $# uρ öΝä3≈ oΨø%y—u‘ $tΒ ÏM≈ t6ÍhŠsÛ∩⊇∠⊄∪ šχρ߉ç7÷ès? çν$−ƒÎ) óΟçFΖà2He has only forbidden you carrion, blood,the flesh of swine, and that on which aname other than God’s has been invoked.But he who is driven by necessity, notintending to transgress nor exceeding hisneed, incurs no sin. God is much-zΝó s9 uρÇ⎯ yϑsùÏμø‹n=tãtΠ¤$!$# uρsπ tGøŠyϑø9 $# ãΝà6ø‹n=tætΠ§ym $yϑ¯ΡÎ)«!$# Îö tóÏ9 ⎯ÏμÎ/ ¨≅Ïδé&!$tΒuρ ̓̓ΨÏ‚ø9 $#zΝøOÎ)Iξsù 7Š$tãŸωuρ 8ø$t/uö xî §äÜôÊ$#∩⊇∠⊂∪ íΟŠÏm§‘ Ö‘θà xî ©!$# ¨βÎ)171

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