Surah 1-2 - YasSarNal QuR'aN

Surah 1-2 - YasSarNal QuR'aN

Surah 1-2 - YasSarNal QuR'aN


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44((3(44((Merciful. (182)Believers, fasting is decreed for you as itwas decreed for those before you, so that youmay be God-fearing. (183)[Fast] on a certain number of days. Butwhoever of you is ill, or on a journey, shallfast instead the same number of days lateron. Those who find fasting a strain toohard to bear may compensate for it byfeeding a needy person. He who does goodof his own account does himself goodthereby. For to fast is to do good toyourselves, if you only knew it. (184)It was in the month of Ramadan that theQur’ān was revealed: a guidance formankind and a self- evident proof of thatguidance and a standard to distinguishright from wrong. Therefore, whoever of youis present in that month shall fastthroughout the month; but he who is ill oron a journey shall fast instead the samenumber of days later on. God desires thatyou have ease. He does not desire that yoube afflicted with hardship. You are,however, required to complete the necessarynumber of days and to extol and glorifyGod for having guided you aright and totender your thanks. (185)∩⊇∇⊄∪ ÒΟŠÏm§‘ Ö‘θà xîãΝà6ø‹n=tæ|=ÏGä.(#θãΖtΒ# ut⎦⎪Ï%©!$# $y㕃 r'¯≈ tƒ⎯ÏΒš⎥⎪Ï%©!$# ’ n?tã|=ÏGä. $yϑx. ãΠ$u‹Å_Á9 $#∩⊇∇⊂∪ tβθà)−Gs? öΝä3ª=yès9 öΝà6Î=ö7 s%Νä3ΖÏΒšχ% x. ⎯ yϑsù;N≡ yŠρ߉÷è¨Β $YΒ$−ƒ r&tyzé& BΘ$−ƒ r& ô⎯ÏiΒ ×Ïèsù 9x y 4’ n?tã ÷ρr& $³ÒƒÍ£ΔãΠ$yèsÛ ×π tƒô‰Ïù …çμ tΡθà)‹ÏÜペ⎥⎪Ï%©!$# ’ n?tãuρ…ã&©! ×ö yz uθßγ sù #Zö yz tí§θ sÜ s? ⎯ yϑsùóΟçFΖä. βÎ)&⎦⎫Å3ó¡ÏΒöΝà6©9 ×ö yz(#θãΒθÝÁs? βr& uρ∩⊇∇⊆∪ tβθßϑn=÷ès?ãβ# uöà)ø9 $# ÏμŠÏùtΑÌ“Ρé& ü“Ï%©!$#tβ$ŸÒtΒ u‘ ãöκ y−3“y‰ßγø9 $#z⎯ÏiΒ ;M≈ oΨÉi t/ uρ Ĩ$¨Ψ=Ïj9 ”W‰èδtöκ¤9 $# ãΝä3ΨÏΒy‰Íκ y− ⎯ yϑsù4’ n?tã ÷ρr& $³ÒƒÍsΔtβ$Ÿ2 ⎯ tΒuρª!$# ߉ƒÌãƒÈβ$s%öàø9 $# uρçμôϑÝÁuŠù=sùtyzé& BΘ$−ƒ r& ô⎯ÏiΒ ×Ïè sù 9x yuô£ãèø9 $# ãΝà6Î/ ߉ƒÌミωuρtó¡ãŠø9 $# ãΝà6Î/4†n?tã ©!$#(#ρçÉi9x6çGÏ9 uρnÏèø9 $#(#θè=Ïϑò6çGÏ9 uρ∩⊇∇∈∪ šχρãä3ô±n@ öΝà6¯=yès9 uρ öΝä31 y‰yδ $tΒIf My servants ask you about Me, well, Iam near; I answer the prayer of thesupplicant when he calls to Me. Let themthen respond to Me, and believe in Me, soë=ƒÌs% ’ÎoΤÎ* sù ©Íh_tã “ÏŠ$t6Ïãy7s9 r'y # sŒÎ) uρÈβ$tãyŠ # sŒÎ) Æí#¤$!$#nοuθôãyŠ Ü=‹Å_é&öΝßγ¯=yès9 ’Î1(#θãΖÏΒ÷σã‹ø9 uρ ’Í

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