Surah 1-2 - YasSarNal QuR'aN

Surah 1-2 - YasSarNal QuR'aN

Surah 1-2 - YasSarNal QuR'aN


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((444444(4the enemy of the unbelievers. (98)$tΒuρ;M≈ oΨÉi t/¤M≈tƒ# uy7ø‹s9Î)!$uΖø9 t“Ρr&ô‰s) s9 uρWe have sent down to you clear revelations:none will deny them except the evildoers.(99)Is it always to be the case that every timethey make a solemn pledge some of themwill violate it? The truth is that most ofthem do not believe. (100)And now that a Messenger from God hascome to them, confirming what is already intheir possession, some of those who hadbeen given the Scriptures cast God’s Bookbehind their backs as though they knownothing. (101)They follow what the devils relate ofSolomon’s kingdom. Solomon neverdisbelieved, but the devils did. They instructpeople in witchcraft which was certainly notrevealed to the two angels, Hārūt andMārūt, at Babylon. Yet these two [angels]never taught anyone without first declaring,‘We are but a temptation to evil, so do notrenounce your faith.’ From these two,people learned what they would use to causediscord between a man and his wife.However, with that knowledge they canharm no one except by God’s leave. Indeed,they learn what harms them and bringsthem no profit. They knew full well thatwhoever contracted such a deal would haveno share in the life to come. Vile indeed iswhat they had sold their souls for, if they∩®®∪ tβθà)Å¡≈ xø9 $#ωÎ)!$yγÎ/ ãàõ3tƒ×,ƒÌsù …çνx‹t6¯Ρ #Y‰ôγ tã(#ρ߉yγ≈ tã $yϑ¯=à2uρr&∩⊇⊃⊃∪ šχθãΨÏΒ÷σミω öΝèδçsYø. r& ö≅ t/«!$# ωΨÏã ô⎯ÏiΒ ×Αθß u‘ öΝèδu!$ y_Νßγ÷ΨÏiΒ$£ϑs9 uρt⎦⎪Ï%©!$#z⎯ÏiΒ ×,ƒÌsùx‹t6 tΡ öΝßγ yètΒ $yϑÏj9 ×−Ïd‰|ÁãΒöΝÏδÍ‘θßγàß u!# u‘ uρ«!$#|=≈ tFÅ2 |=≈ tGÅ3ø9 $#(#θè?ρé&∩⊇⊃⊇∪ šχθßϑn=ôètƒŸω öΝßγ¯Ρr( x.Å7ù=ãΒ4’ n?tã ß⎦⎫ÏÜ≈ u‹¤±9 $#(#θè=÷Gs? $tΒ(#θãèt7¨?$# uρ£⎯Å3≈ s9 uρ ß⎯≈ yϑø‹n=ßtx Ÿ2 $tΒuρz⎯≈ yϑø‹n=ß}¨$¨Ψ9$#tβθßϑÏk=yèãƒ(#ρãx x.š⎥⎫ÏÜ≈ u‹¤±9 $#Ÿ≅Î/$t6Î/ È⎦÷⎫x6 n=yϑø9 $# ’ n?tãtΑÌ“Ρé&!$tΒuρtósÅb¡9 $#>‰tn r& ô⎯ÏΒ Èβ$yϑÏk=yèム$tΒ uρšVρã≈ tΒuρ|Nρã≈ yδöàõ3s?Ÿξsù ×π oΨ÷GÏù ß⎯øt wΥ $yϑ¯ΡÎ)Iωθà) tƒ4©®Lymt⎦÷⎫t/ ⎯ÏμÎ/šχθè%Ìhxム$tΒ $yϑßγ÷ΨÏΒtβθßϑ¯=yètGuŠsùô⎯ÏΒ ⎯ÏμÎ/t⎦⎪Íh‘ !$ŸÒÎ/ Νèδ $tΒuρöΝèδ”àÒtƒ $tΒtβθçΗ©>yètGtƒ uρçμ1 utIô© $# Ç⎯ yϑs9(#θßϑÎ=tã ô‰s) s9 uρš[ø♥Î6 s9 uρ(#θçΡ$Ÿ2 öθs9⎯ÏμÅ_÷ρy—uρ Ïöyϑø9 $#«!$# ÈβøŒÎ*Î/ωÎ) >‰ymr&öΝßγãèxΖ tƒŸωuρ9,≈ n=yz ï∅ÏΒ ÍοtÅzFψ$# ’Îû …çμ s9 $tΒöΝßγ |¡àΡr& ÿ⎯ÏμÎ/(#÷ρtx© $tΒ∩⊇⊃⊄∪ šχθßϑn=ôètƒ90

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