Rider's Manual K 1200 S - K100.biz

Rider's Manual K 1200 S - K100.biz

Rider's Manual K 1200 S - K100.biz

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460z OperationThe damping characteristic isshown in panel 1 of the multifunctiondisplay, and spring preloadin panel 2. The odometerreadings are not shown whilethe ESA readout is active. Threespring preload settings can eachbe combined with three dampingcharacteristics to fine-tune themotorcycle's suspension.Adjuster, spring preloadThe ESA control unit is protectedby an overload cutout designedto stop the spring-preload adjustmentprocess if current consumptionreaches an unacceptablyhigh level. Please note thata combination of low ambienttemperature and a high payloadtends to increase the possibilityof elevated current consumption,and under these circumstancesadjustment might be interruptedby the overload cutout.If the motorcycle is to be usedfor two-up riding and ambienttemperature is below 0 °C, BMWMotorrad recommends adjustingthe suspension to the setting fortwo-up riding and allowing adjustmentto complete before yourpassenger mounts the motorcycle.Similarly, BMW Motorradrecommends relieving the weighton the motorcycle when you aregoing to adjust over a long rangeof travel (adjusting from "one-up"to "two-up with luggage").The ESA indicator continues toflash until adjustment completes.If adjustment is interrupted theprocess resumes as soon ascurrent consumption drops belowthe defined threshold, forexample when the above-mentionedmeasures are adopted.Calling up settingsSwitch on the ignition.Press button 1.The current setting isdisplayed.The reading remains visible fora few seconds before disappearingautomatically.

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