Rider's Manual K 1200 S - K100.biz

Rider's Manual K 1200 S - K100.biz

Rider's Manual K 1200 S - K100.biz

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z Engineering detailsWhat is the designbaseline for BMWMotorrad ASC?BMW Motorrad ASC is designedas an assistant system for therider and for use on public roads.The extent to which the rider affectsASC control can be considerable(weight shifts when cornering,items of luggage looseon the motorcycle), especiallywhen style of riding takes riderand machine close to the limitsimposed by physics. The systemis not optimised for special requirementsthat apply under extremecompetitive situations offroador on the track. You havethe option of deactivating theBMW Motorrad ASC system forthese circumstances.Even ASC is constrained bythe laws of physics. Invariably,the rider bears responsibilityfor assessing road and trafficconditions and adopting his orher style of riding accordingly.Do not take risks that would negatethe additional safety offeredby this system.Special situationsIn accordance with the laws ofphysics, the ability to accelerateis restricted more and more asthe angle of heel increases. Consequently,there can be a perceptiblelag in acceleration out ofvery tight bends.The speeds of the front andrear wheels are compared asone means of detecting the rearwheel's incipient tendency tospin or slip sideways. If the systemregisters implausible valuesfor a lengthy period the ASCfunction is deactivated for safetyreasons and an ASC fault messageis issued. Self-diagnosishas to complete before faultmessages can be issued.The BMW Motorrad ASC canshut down automatically underthe exceptional riding conditionsoutlined below.Exceptional ridingconditions:Riding for a lengthy period withthe front wheel lifted off theground (wheelie) and ASC deactivated.Rear wheel rotating with themotorcycle held stationary byapplying the front brake (burnout).Heating up with the motorcycleon the centre stand or an auxiliarystand, engine idling or witha gear engaged.Accelerating the motorcycle toa speed in excess of 10 km/hafter switching the ignition offand then on again reactivates theASC.683

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