Rider's Manual K 1200 S - K100.biz

Rider's Manual K 1200 S - K100.biz

Rider's Manual K 1200 S - K100.biz

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684Engineering detailszIf the front wheel lifts clear of theground under severe acceleration,the ASC reduces enginetorque until the front wheel regainscontact with the ground.Under these circumstances,BMW Motorrad recommendsrolling the throttle slightly closedso as to restore stability with theleast possible delay.When riding on a slippery surface,never snap the throttletwistgrip fully closed withoutpulling the clutch at the sametime. Engine braking torque cancause the rear wheel to lock, witha corresponding loss of stability.The BWM Motorrad ASC is unableto control a situation of thisnature.Tyre pressuremonitoring RDC OEFunctionA sensor integrated into eachtyre measures the air temperatureand the air pressure insidethe tyre and transmits this informationto the control unit.Each sensor has a centrifugalforcetripswitch that does notenable transmission of the measuredvalues until the motorcyclehas accelerated to about 30 km/h. The display shows -- foreach tyre until the tyre-pressuresignal is received for the firsttime. The sensors continue totransmit the measured-value signalsfor approximately 15 minutesafter the motorcycle comes to astop.The control unit can administratefour sensors, so two differentsets of wheels with RDCsensors can be alternated onthe motorcycle. An error messageis issued if wheels withoutsensors are fitted to a motorcycleequipped with an RDC controlunit.TemperaturecompensationThe tyre-pressure readingsshown by the multifunctiondisplay are temperaturecompensated;the reference tyretemperature for these readingsis always 20 °C. The air linesavailable to the public in petrolstations and motorway serviceareas almost invariably showtemperature-dependent tyrepressures, so in most instancesthese gauge readings will nottally with the readings shown bythe multifunction display.

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