TL-SL3428_V3_User_Guide - TP-Link

TL-SL3428_V3_User_Guide - TP-Link

TL-SL3428_V3_User_Guide - TP-Link


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SNMP v1: SNMP v1 adopts Community Name authentication. The community name is used todefine the relation between SNMP Management Station and SNMP Agent. The SNMP packetsfailing to pass community name authentication are discarded. The community name can limitaccess to SNMP Agent from SNMP NMS, functioning as a password.SNMP v2c: SNMP v2c also adopts community name authentication. It is compatible with SNMPv1 while enlarges the function of SNMP v1.SNMP v3: Basing on SNMP v1 and SNMP v2c, SNMP v3 extremely enhances the security andmanageability. It adopts VACM (View-based Access Control Model) and USM (<strong>User</strong>-BasedSecurity Model) authentication. The user can configure the authentication and the encryptionfunctions. The authentication function is to limit the access of the illegal user by authenticating thesenders of packets. Meanwhile, the encryption function is used to encrypt the packets transmittedbetween SNMP Management Station and SNMP Agent so as to prevent any information beingstolen. The multiple combinations of authentication function and encryption function canguarantee a more reliable communication between SNMP Management station and SNMP Agent.‣ MIB IntroductionTo uniquely identify the management objects of the device in SNMP messages, SNMP adopts thehierarchical architecture to identify the managed objects. It is like a tree, and each tree noderepresents a managed object, as shown in the following figure. Thus the object can be identifiedwith the unique path starting from the root and indicated by a string of numbers. The number stringis the Object Identifier of the managed object. In the following figure, the OID of the managedobject B is {}. While the OID of the managed object A is {}.‣ SNMP Configuration Outline1. Create ViewFigure 12-2 Architecture of the MIB treeThe SNMP View is created for the SNMP Management Station to manage MIB objects. Themanaged object, uniquely identified by OID, can be set to under or out of the management ofSNMP Management Station by configuring its view type (included/excluded). The OID of managedobject can be found on the SNMP client program running on the SNMP Management Station.2. Create SNMP GroupAfter creating the SNMP View, it’s required to create a SNMP Group. The Group Name, SecurityModel and Security Level compose the identifier of the SNMP Group. The Groups with these threeitems the same are considered to be the same. You can configure SNMP Group to control thenetwork access by providing the users in various groups with different management rights via theRead View, Write View and Notify View.3. Create SNMP <strong>User</strong>167

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