Providing Education and Training for At Risk ... - Victoria University

Providing Education and Training for At Risk ... - Victoria University

Providing Education and Training for At Risk ... - Victoria University

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Program <strong>and</strong> LocationTarget Group, Program Team,Program Length & LevelLinks <strong>and</strong> Outcomes Activities Critical Characteristics/Determinants of SuccessCertificate of Workplace<strong>Education</strong> (CWE)Gordon Institute of TAFEGeelongDr Lyn WakefieldDesigner/ Coordinatorof Certificate of Workplace<strong>Education</strong>035225 0676Very mildly disabled 15-19year oldsKooringal in Geelong hasstudents doing 4 units(Certificate 1)- rewritten (‘easyspeak’) <strong>for</strong> these studentsTeam consists of Special<strong>Education</strong> teachers <strong>and</strong>Supervisors (during workplacements)CWE has become increasinglypopular in VET-In- Schools Eg:1. 1992 Centralian College inAlice Springs <strong>and</strong> TAFE inNT genereally2. QLD TAFE as Distance<strong>Education</strong> (5 colleges)3. <strong>Victoria</strong>n schools as VET-In-Schools4. Catholic Schools vialicensing agreement on theNET eg St Augustines inGeelong- displaced youthmake surf-boards off site5. Irianjaya (buy the CD etc)– Certificates I, II <strong>and</strong> III offera generic skills frameworkin the areas of personal <strong>and</strong>interpersonal skills;mathematical skills; oralcommunication skills <strong>and</strong>written communicationskills– assessment of outcomes byvideos/ role plays/ ‘doing’rather than written tasks,group work– very portable– very flexible (emphasisesdiverse literacies- oral,grammar, prose etc)92– Certificate of Work<strong>Education</strong>– Job Net– Futures <strong>for</strong> Young Adults(<strong>for</strong> young people withintellectual disabilities)Western MetropolitanInstitute of TAFELeon CoxHead of DepartmentWork <strong>Education</strong> Program9284 7076Futures <strong>for</strong> Young Adultsprogram caters <strong>for</strong> young peoplewith intellectual disabilities whoare over 18 years of age <strong>and</strong>cannot continue at special schoolParticipants apply as a result ofcourse advertising or word ofmouthPotential participants are interviewedwith parent or advocatePotential participants partici-patein a workshop of 6-8 people tosee how they work with othersCore team consists of teacherswith a background in specialeducation. Head of Departmentwas a coordinator of a SpecialSchoolFocus is on work <strong>and</strong> what elsestudents can do if they can onlyget part time work- the realityis there are insufficient jobs <strong>for</strong>theses students– (brochure to come)– activities are h<strong>and</strong>s on due tolow literacy <strong>and</strong> numeracy– focus on interaction in theworkplace- gaining <strong>and</strong>maintaining employment– quality staff that arecommitted <strong>and</strong> believe intheir students

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