spec - Local Sector 7 web page

spec - Local Sector 7 web page

spec - Local Sector 7 web page


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Saving ToOutput Devicescomment format argsqcomment format argsprcmd commandsavcmd command filesavmac macro_name file# Send a comment to output devices# Send comment to file and printer# Print the output of a command# Save a command to a file# Save a macro to a file# Print a comment on the screen, printer and data file.def comment ’printf("\n%s. $1.\n", date(), $2)qcomment "$1" "$2"’# Print a comment on the printer and data file.def qcomment ’if (PRINTER != "")fprintf(PRINTER,"\n%s. $1.\n", date(), $2)if (DATAFILE != "")fprintf(DATAFILE, "#C %s. $1.\n", date(), $2)’# Have output of any command sent to the printer.# Commands are all on one line to avoid outputting prompts.def prcmd ’onp;offt;printf("\n%s\n","$*");ont;$*offp’# Have output of any command sent to a file.def savcmd ’if ($# != 2) {print "Usage: savcmd command filename"exit}on("$2");offt;printf("\n%s\n","$1");ont;$1close("$2")’# Save a macro definition to a file.def savmac ’if ($# != 2) {print "Usage: savmac macro_name filename"exit}on("$2"); offtprdef $1ont; close("$2")’132 STANDARD MACRO GUIDE INTERIM WORK-IN-PROGRESS (8/16/01) NOT FOR GENERAL DISTRIBUTION

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