spec - Local Sector 7 web page

spec - Local Sector 7 web page

spec - Local Sector 7 web page


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"hdw_poll_interval" — When the wait() function is called to wait for polledmotors, timers or other acquisition devices to finish, <strong>spec</strong> sleeps for asmall interval between each check of the hardware. Use this<strong>spec</strong>_par() option to change that interval. The units of the parameterare milliseconds, and the default sleep time is 10msec. Avalue of zero isallowed, though not recommended if the computer is being used for anythingelse."keep_going" — Normally, when taking commands from a command file, <strong>spec</strong>resets to command level and the main interactive prompt when thereare syntax errors in the file, certain floating point exceptions, referencesto unconfigured hardware, hardware access errors, along with a numberof other errors. When the "keep_going" option is set, <strong>spec</strong> will keepreading and executing commands from a command file no matter whaterrors occur. When there is an error, the next line from the current commandfile will be read. Note, depending on where the error is in a file,reading subsequent lines may generate more errors, particularly if theerror occurs inside a statement block."modify_step_size" — Normally, <strong>spec</strong> doesn’t allow users to modify the motorstep-size parameter with the motor_par() function, as the consequencesare generally undesirable. However, inthe rare circumstance that it isnecessary,this parameter allows you to enable such modifications."parse_units" — When parsing of units is turned on, numbers typed as inputto <strong>spec</strong>’s parser with one of the following suffixes appended will automaticallybe multiplied by the corresponding factor.1r 57.2958 radian1mr 0.0572958 milliradian1d 1 degree1md 0.001 millidegree1mm 1 millimeter1um 0.001 micrometer1m 0.0166667 minute1s 0.000277778 secondNote, however, suffixes on numbers converted from strings or enteredusing the getval() function are not parsed. The only known use forunit-suffix parsing is with the user-contributed macros in the filemacros/units.mac. These macros require that unit suffixes be suppliedfor all motor position arguments in the standard <strong>spec</strong> macros. Thedefault is for this mode to be off.78 REFERENCE MANUAL INTERIM WORK-IN-PROGRESS (8/16/01) NOT FOR GENERAL DISTRIBUTION

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