spec - Local Sector 7 web page

spec - Local Sector 7 web page

spec - Local Sector 7 web page


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StandardData-File Forma tThe data files created by the macros have a simple format. The files are ASCII. Controllines in the file begin with a # followed by a upper-case letter. Other lines areblank or contain scan data.The control conventions are:Code Parameters Description#C comment Comments inserted by many of the standard macros.#D date Astring representing the current date, in the formatWed May 4 23:59:49 1988 .#E seconds The UNIX epoch at the time the file was opened.#F filename The name by which the file was opened.#G parameters The contents of the geometry parameter array G[] .#L labels Labels for the data columns.#M counts If counting to monitor counts, the number of counts.#N columns The number of columns of data that follow.#O0 motor names The names of the first 8 motors.#O1 motor names The names of the second 8 motors, etc.#P0 motor positions The starting positions of the first 8 motors.#P1 motor positions The starting positions of the second 8 motors, etc.#Q HKL The starting values of a scan in reciprocal space.#R results Results from various pl_anal() operations optionallyprinted at the conclusion of a scan.#S number Anew scan having scan number number follows,normally preceded by a blank line.#T seconds If counting to time, the time used.#U Reserved for user.#X setpoint The temperature setpoint.162 STANDARD MACRO GUIDE INTERIM WORK-IN-PROGRESS (8/16/01) NOT FOR GENERAL DISTRIBUTION

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