spec - Local Sector 7 web page

spec - Local Sector 7 web page

spec - Local Sector 7 web page


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motor_par(motor, "y_range", value) — Sets the extent of the motion in the y direction.motor_par(motor, "start_scan") — Starts the asynchronous scan.motor_par(motor, "stop_scan") — Stops the asynchronous scan.Or iel Encoder Mike Controller 18011 (Serial)config file:RS_18011 = device_name baud_rate number_of_motorsedconf devices screen:MOTORS DEVICE ADDR MODE NUM TYPEYES /dev/ttyh3 4800 3 Oriel Encoder Mike Controller 18011Or iel Encoder Mike Controller 18092 (Serial)config file:RS_18092 = device_name baud_rate number_of_motorsedconf devices screen:MOTORS DEVICE ADDR MODE NUM TYPEYES /dev/ttyh3 4800 3 Oriel Encoder Mike Controller 18092Phytron IXEα-C (GPIB and Serial)config file:RS_IXE = device_name baud_rate number_of_motorsGP_IXE = gpib_address number_of_motorsedconf devices screen:MOTORS DEVICE ADDR MODE NUM TYPEYES /dev/tty00 9600 2 Phytron IXE (Serial)YES 6 4 Phytron IXE (GPIB)Finding Reference PositionsThe Phytron’s axis initialization command "0" ,which searches for the negative limitswitch as described in the Phytron manual, is sent to a <strong>spec</strong>ific motor when thechg_dial() function is invoked with either the "home+" or "home-" arguments. The244 HARDWARE REFERENCE INTERIM WORK-IN-PROGRESS (8/16/01) NOT FOR GENERAL DISTRIBUTION

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