spec - Local Sector 7 web page

spec - Local Sector 7 web page

spec - Local Sector 7 web page


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The Configuration EditorThe edconf program is the primary means for maintaining the hardware configuration.When running <strong>spec</strong>, edconf is usually run by invoking the config macro.Without arguments, edconf will use the config and settings files in the current directory.Ifgiven a directory name as an argument, it will use the files in that directory.If invoked with the −s flag, edconf will run in simulate mode, allowing you to viewbut not modify the files. If you do not have write permission for the config file, edconfwill automatically run in simulate mode.To get a list of the available commands while running edconf, type a question mark(? ). The following commands are available:Arrow keys Move around.h j k l Move left, down, up, right. Enter data or move down one row. Move right.ˆF Scroll forward through motors on the Motor screen,counters on the Scalers screen, devices on the CA-MAC screen, items on the drop-down menus, etc.ˆB Scroll backwards, as above.’ Enter to change string-valued cell (e.g. motor names).+ − > < Step through list of choices (if appears in label).r Reread settings and config files.w Write settings and config files.R Read from backup settings and config files.c Change to next screen.M Change to Motor screen.m Step through motor parameter screens.C Change to CAMAC screen.I Change to Interfaces screen.D Change to Devices screen.A Change to MCA/CCD Acquisition screenS Change to Scalers (counters) screen.i Insert a motor at current position.d Delete the motor at current position.G Toggle all-motors mode with linked configurations.ˆD Blank out optional motor parameter fields.ˆL Refresh the screen.202 ADMINISTRATOR’S GUIDE INTERIM WORK-IN-PROGRESS (8/16/01) NOT FOR GENERAL DISTRIBUTION

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