spec - Local Sector 7 web page

spec - Local Sector 7 web page

spec - Local Sector 7 web page


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MCU_O As above, but with old PROMsMM2000 Newport MM2000/3000MM2000_E As above, but with encoderMM2500 Newport MM2500MM2500_E As above, but with encoderMM4000 Newport MM4000/4005MM4000_E As above, but with encoderMMC32 NSLS homemadeMURR Missouri Research Reactor MotorsMURR_E As above, but with encoderNF8732 New Focus Picomotor 8732NONE Pseudo controllerNSK NSK Motor ControllerNT2400 Laboratory Equipment Corporation ModelOMS Oregon Micro Systems PCX/34/38/39/48OMS_E As above, but with encoderPI PI DC Motor ControllerPM500 Newport PM500RIGAKU Rigaku RINT-2000 Motor ControllerSCIPE_A SCIPE Actuator DeviceSIX19 Micro-Controle SIX19SMC Joerger Single Motor ControllerSPI8 Advanced Control System SPI-8TSUJI Tsuji PM16C-02NXIAHSC XIA HSC-1XRGCI_M Inel XRGCI motor controller/timerField 2, the steps per unit, may be non-integral, and the units can be in degrees, millimetersor whatever. The rest of the numeric fields must be integral. The motornames should be kept to nine characters or less, as the standard macros truncatethem to fit a nine-character field when printing them out.Field 8 is reserved.Field 9, the flags field, contains several kinds of information. The lowest order twobits are used to enable particular operations on the selected motor. Ifbit 0 is set, theuser can move the motor. Ifbit 1 is set, the user can change the software limits of themotor. Bits 2 and 3 are used by the edconf program to prevent users from changingcertain configuration information. Bits 8 through 12 are used with the shared configfile feature described below.INTERIM WORK-IN-PROGRESS (8/16/01) NOT FOR GENERAL DISTRIBUTION ADMINISTRATOR’S GUIDE 207

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