spec - Local Sector 7 web page

spec - Local Sector 7 web page

spec - Local Sector 7 web page


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Commands For Var ia blesglobal name ... — Declares name to be a global symbol. Aglobal symbol retains itsvalue after each parsed program is executed. If name is used as an arrayname, each element of the array is global. By appending empty square bracketsto name the type of the symbol can be forced to be an associative array,which may be useful if name is to be used as an argument to a macro functionbefore its type has been established by usage.unglobal name ...— Makes the global or constant symbol name no longer global.constant name expression — Declares name to be a constant, global symbol havingthe value given by expression . A constant symbol cannot be changed byassignment.local name ... — Allows reuse of a preexisting name and gives the new instance ofthat name scope only within the statement block in which it is defined. Thename may be that of a macro, in which case the macro definition is unavailablewithin the statement block. By appending empty square brackets to name thetype of the symbol can be forced to be an associative array, which may be usefulif name is to be used as an argument to a macro function before its type hasbeen established by usage.delete assoc-array[elem] ... — Removes the element elem of the associativearray assoc-array .[[extern] shared] [type] array var[cols] —array.[[extern] shared] [type] array var[rows][cols] —data array.Declares a one-dimensional data(Text forthcoming. See the on-line arrays help file in the meantime.)Declares a two-dimensionalsyms [−v] [+|−BGLADNSIC] [pattern ...] — Lists <strong>spec</strong>’s current variables. Withoutarguments, all the variables are listed, along with their memory consumptionand type. With the −v flag, the variables are listed along with their values in aformat that can be saved to a file and read back as commands. If argumentsare given as pattern , only symbols matching the arguments are printed.Such arguments may contain the ? and * metacharacters.In addition, the type of symbols listed can be controlled using the flags in thefollowing table where a − flag prevents symbols with the given attribute frombeing listed and a + flag includes symbols with the given attribute in the list.INTERIM WORK-IN-PROGRESS (8/16/01) NOT FOR GENERAL DISTRIBUTION REFERENCE MANUAL 89

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