spec - Local Sector 7 web page

spec - Local Sector 7 web page

spec - Local Sector 7 web page


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Reciprocal Space MacrosThe following macros are general and applicable to most geometry configurations.Macros <strong>spec</strong>ial to the four-circle geometry configuration are described in the Four-Circle Reference that follows this guide.ca H K Lcal H K Lci tth th chi phibr H K Lmk H K Lubr H K Lumk H K Lmi ALPHA BETAwhpa# Display calculated positions for H K L# As above, but don’t reset positions# Display calculated H K L for angles# Move to H K L# Move to H K L# Move to H K L while updating screen# Move to H K L while updating screen# Move to ALPHA BETA# Display H, K, L, tth, th, chi, phi, etc.# Display geometry parametersThe difference between ca and cal is that the first macro restores the A[] angles andH , K and L to the current diffractometer position, while the second macro leaves themat the calculated values.There is no difference between the br and mk macros, except their names.The ubr and umk macros continuously read the motor positions from the controllerand show the positions on the screen. The frequency of updates is set by the globalvariable UPDATE .# Go to a Bragg positiondef br ’_br $*; move_poll’def _br ’if ($# != 3) {print "Usage: br H K L"exit}waitmove; { H=$1; K=$2; L=$3 } getangles; calcAonp; offt; printf("\nbr %g %g %g\n", H, K, L); offp; ontmove_em’INTERIM WORK-IN-PROGRESS (8/16/01) NOT FOR GENERAL DISTRIBUTION STANDARD MACRO GUIDE 143

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