spec - Local Sector 7 web page

spec - Local Sector 7 web page

spec - Local Sector 7 web page


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"show_prdef_files" — When this mode is on, the source file for each macrodefinition is displayed with the prdef command. The default is for thismode to be on."<strong>spec</strong>wiz" — Allows <strong>spec</strong> administrators to gain access to motors locked out inthe config file to ordinary users. This feature allows the administratorto position the motors without having first to go into the configurationeditor to change access modes. Entering <strong>spec</strong>_par("<strong>spec</strong>wiz", 1)causes <strong>spec</strong> to prompt for the “Wizard’s password”. If entered correctly,the characters _WIZ are appended to the <strong>spec</strong> prompt to remind theadministrator of the <strong>spec</strong>ial powers, and motors configured with protectedstatus can be moved. Entering <strong>spec</strong>_par("<strong>spec</strong>wiz", 0) disablesthe <strong>spec</strong>ial mode.<strong>spec</strong> looks for the encrypted password belonging to the <strong>spec</strong>_wiz (or<strong>spec</strong>wiz) user in the files SPECD/passwd, /etc/shadow, and/etc/passwd in turn. If a shadow password file is used, ordinary userswon’t beable to read it, and the normal password file won’t contain theencrypted password.The <strong>spec</strong> distribution includes a wiz_passwd utility (as of release4.03.07) the can be used to create a passwd file in the <strong>spec</strong> auxiliary filedirectory that contains just the entry for the <strong>spec</strong>_wiz user. TheSPECD/passwd file should probably be owned and writable only by rootor the <strong>spec</strong> administrator."use_sem_undo" — This flag relates to whether the SEM_UNDO flag is set whensemaphores are used. It exists to get around a memory leak bugobserved with some releases of the Solaris 2 operating system. The flagshould be ignored unless you are instructed otherwise by CSS.calc(i) — Calls a user-added function having code i . Codes are assigned in the distributionsource file u_hook.c. Returns a user-supplied value or zero if there isno user-supplied value.calc(i, x) — As above, but passes the argument x to the user-supplied function.The geometry calculations that transform motor positions to reciprocal spacecoordinates and vice versa are implemented using calls to calc() . A descriptionof the particular calls implemented for the four-circle diffractometer are inthe Four-Circle Reference. See <strong>page</strong> 195 in the Administrator ’s Guide for informationon how to include other user-added functions in the program.history — This command lists the 1000 most recent commands typed at the keyboard.See the description of the command-recall (history) feature on <strong>page</strong> 50.INTERIM WORK-IN-PROGRESS (8/16/01) NOT FOR GENERAL DISTRIBUTION REFERENCE MANUAL 79

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