HHC Health & Home Care Clinical Policy And

HHC Health & Home Care Clinical Policy And

HHC Health & Home Care Clinical Policy And


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<strong>HHC</strong> HEALTH & HOME CARE Section: 9-22<br />

Infusion Therapy: Maintaining The Groshong Catheter __RN<br />

9. Slowly inject flush to fill dead space of injection port and<br />

then remove needle or needleless adaptor.<br />

10. Clean old intermittent injection port and catheter at junction<br />

with alcohol applicator, using friction. Allow to air dry.<br />

11. Wrap new alcohol wipe around connection and hold in place<br />

until you disconnect the injection port.<br />

12. Ask patient to hold breath or wait until patient is exhaling<br />

before removing old injection port.<br />

13. Remove old intermittent injection port.<br />

14. Remove protective cover from new intermittent injection<br />

port.<br />

15. Attach new pre-filled intermittent injection port, twisting<br />

firmly to secure.<br />

16. With new injection port in place, flush catheter briskly with<br />

5cc normal saline0.9 % sodium chloride, injection.<br />

17. Before syringe is completely empty apply pressure on<br />

plunger while removing the needle or syringe from the<br />

injection port (positive pressure).<br />

18. Tape connection (optional).Connection should be a leur-lok<br />

type.<br />

19. Loop the catheter and secure.<br />

20. Discard soiled supplies in appropriate containers.<br />


1. Document in patient's record:<br />

a. Date, time, procedure and observations.<br />

b. Appearance of central venous access site.<br />

c. Amount of normal saline flush.<br />

d. Patient's response to procedure.<br />

e. Instructions given to patient/caregiver.<br />




Gloves<br />

Alcohol applicator (wipe/swab/disk/ampule)<br />

20cc syringe for lab sample and flush (2)<br />

10cc syringe for discard<br />

Appropriate lab tubes<br />

20-gauge needle, 1" (2)<br />

Normal saline0.9 % Sodium Chloride, injection, solution<br />

Injection port<br />

Tape<br />

Puncture-proof container<br />

Impervious trash bag<br />


1. Adhere to Universal Precautions.<br />

2. Explain procedure and purpose to patient/caregiver.<br />

3. Wash hands, don gloves and Assemble equipment on a<br />

clean surface, close to the patient.<br />

4. Place patient in comfortable position making sure that site is<br />

accessible.<br />

5. Ensure adequate lighting.<br />

6. Prepare 2 syringes, one with 10cc normal saline0.9 %<br />

sodium chloride, injection, and one with 20cc normal<br />

saline0.9 % sodium chloride, Injection.<br />

7. Open protective package of injection port and prefill dead<br />

space with normal saline0.9 % sodium chloride, injection.<br />

(See B. Flushing and Changing Injection Port of Groshong<br />

Catheter.)<br />

8. Clean old intermittent injection port and catheter at junction<br />

with applicator, using friction. Allow to air dry.<br />

9. Wrap new alcohol wipe around connection and hold in place<br />

until you disconnect the injection port.<br />

10. Disconnect injection port from catheter. Attach 10cc normal<br />

saline0.9 % sodium chloride, injection, filled syringe and<br />

flush line (if TPN infusing use 20cc of normal saline0.9 %<br />

sodium chloride, injection,). Using same connected syringe<br />

pull back 5cc of blood for discard.<br />

11. Discard blood-filled syringe in puncture-proof container.<br />

12. Attach new 20cc syringe directly to catheter and withdraw<br />

appropriate amount of blood for specimens.<br />

13. Disconnect blood sample syringe from catheter. Attach<br />

needle no larger than 20-gauge to blood sample syringe.<br />

Attach 20cc normal saline0.9 % sodium chloride, injection,<br />

filled syringe directly to catheter and flush catheter briskly.<br />

Attach new pre-filled injection port.<br />

14. Fill blood specimen tubes.<br />

15. Loop the catheter and secure.<br />

16. Discard soiled supplies in appropriate containers.<br />


1. Document in patient's record:<br />

a. Date, time, procedure and observations.<br />

b. Appearance of central venous access site.<br />

c. Blood samples drawn, identity and location of laboratory<br />

where specimens taken.<br />

d. Amount of normal saline flush.<br />

e. Patient's response to procedure.<br />

f. Instructions given to patient/caregiver.<br />


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