Technical Manual - Renaissance Learning

Technical Manual - Renaissance Learning

Technical Manual - Renaissance Learning


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ValidityRelationship of STAR Early Literacy Enterprise Scores to Common Core State Standards Skills Ratingspreceding ones correctly as well. Such a list, even though quite short, wouldenable us reliably to sort students from pre-kindergarten through third grade intoan ordered set of skill categories.A list of ten skill-related items was assembled. Each participating teacher wasasked to rate his or her STAR Early Literacy Enterprise Equivalence Study studentson each skill. The rating task was administered by means of an interactivespreadsheet that automatically recorded teachers ratings of each student.The teacher had simply to mark, for each student, any task he/she believed thestudent could perform. A list of the skills teachers rated for their students isincluded below.Skills Rating Items Used in the Spring 2012 STAR Early LiteracyEnterprise Equivalence Research Study Survey1. Point to each of the words in a 3-word sentence. (CCSS Pre-K)2. Say “yes” if the words have the last same sounds (rhyme): mop/top (y) down,boy (n) (CCSS Pre-K)3. Say the letters in your name. (IES Birth–Age 5)4. Identify the lowercase letter “d.” (CCSS K)5. Say the sound that begins these words: milk, mouth, mother (/m/) (CCSS-K)6. Read aloud the printed word “said.” (CCSS Grade 1)7. Write and spell correctly the word “fish.” (CCSS Grade 1)8. Read words containing short vowel sounds bit, tap, hop and long vowelsounds bite, tape, hope (CCSS Grade 1)9. Read aloud and distinguish the meanings of the printed words “two” and“too.” (CCSS Grade 2)10. Read on-level text with purpose and understanding (CCSS Grade 2)Sample paragraph:Richard likes two things about picking apples. He gets to climb a ladder. Hecan eat the apples he picks.Why does Richard like picking apples?A. He likes to be outside.B. He likes eating apples.C. He likes helping his dad.STAR Early Literacy<strong>Technical</strong> <strong>Manual</strong>96

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