Technical Manual - Renaissance Learning

Technical Manual - Renaissance Learning

Technical Manual - Renaissance Learning


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STAR Early Literacy Enterprise in the ClassroomMeasuring Growthscore differences should not be viewed as real changes. To determine confidenceintervals for Sub-domain Scores and Skill Set Scores, the reader should refer to thestandard error of measurement tables in “Reliability and Measurement Precision”on page 44.STAR Early Literacy Enterprise and the Reading First InitiativeThe Reading First initiative is designed to help all students become successful andproficient readers. It requires districts to use materials that incorporatescientifically based reading research. Specifically, Reading First supports the fivekey components of literacy development outlined by the National Reading Panel:Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Fluency, Vocabulary, and Comprehension.According to Reading First, effective reading interventions must support the corereading program with systematic and explicit instruction in one or more of thesefive research-supported areas. Reading First also targets interventions at theclassroom instructional level, where students spend the majority of their time.Every state may apply for and receive Reading First funds. These monies can spanover a six-year period and are awarded competitively to local education agencies.In addition, targeted assistance grants will be awarded to states and localeducational agencies based on evidence of significant increases in the percentageof grade 3 students reading at the proficient level and of improved reading skillsfor students in grades 1–3. Reading First applications must include plans to trainteachers in the five essential components of reading, and to select and administerscreening, diagnostic, and classroom-based instructional reading assessments toidentify those children who may be at risk for reading failure. Contact the federalDepartment of Education (www.ed.gov) or your state Department of Education formore information about the Reading First initiative. Contact the <strong>Renaissance</strong><strong>Learning</strong> Funding Center (www.renaissance.com) for assistance with applying fora Reading First Grant or to download a flowchart demonstrating how <strong>Renaissance</strong><strong>Learning</strong> products align with Reading First.STAR Early Literacy Enterprise aligns very well with the Reading First initiative.This <strong>Technical</strong> <strong>Manual</strong> demonstrates the ability of STAR Early Literacy Enterpriseto assess four of the five key components of literacy development: PhonemicAwareness, Phonics, Vocabulary, and Comprehension. Hence, with the use ofSTAR Early Literacy Enterprise, educators can monitor students’ development innearly all of the early literacy areas supported by the National Reading Panel andthe Reading First initiative.The Reading First Initiative also emphasizes the importance of documenting gainsin reading achievement. States receiving Reading First funds must annuallysubmit a report that, among other things, identifies schools and local educationalagencies displaying the largest gains in reading achievement.STAR Early Literacy<strong>Technical</strong> <strong>Manual</strong>142

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